Premier International News
August 26 2010
World class tennis arrives to Colombia

Bogota, Colombia --- Following the highly acclaimed, record-breaking tennis exo in Puerto Rico this past May, Premier International has made history again. Bringing world class tennis to the heart of Colombia for the first time, Premier continues to impact untouched markets with overwhelming success.

Together with production partner IMLA, Premier International, Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras continued to reach new heights this past week, as Bogota, Colombia played host to the tennis tour that continues to rock Latin America. In front of 13,000 on a chilly evening at the Coliseo El Campin, an overwhelming roar welcomed the two legends to Colombia for the first time. As the lights dimmed and the players made their entrance, the coliseum's music was drowned out by the passion of Colombian fans witnessing their heros live and in person. After a week of media buzz and events surrounding the matches, the night of August 20 would see the Seguro del Estado Agassi Sampras Tour climax in front of a packed house.

The new Kings of Bogota did not disappoint the anxious eyes, putting together a match that continued to stir the longtime rivalry. Entertaining the crowd in true fashion, the Champs showed each other lightning quick serves, captivating rallies, and even a few smiles. Agassi began the match looking stronger than Sampras, jumping out to an early lead. However, as the night went on, Sampras played mistake free tennis, battling against not only his rival but the temperature and altitude as well. After a highly competitive main event, Sampras defeated Agassi in straight sets (6-4, 6-3).

Making their first appearance in the Agassi Sampras Tour, Anna Kournikova and Ashley Harkleroad opened the evening in stunning fashion. Joined by WTA "up and comers" Kristyna and Karolina Pliskova, there was no shortage of heat to open the evening. Kournikova and Harkleroad proved that despite time off, their ability to capture a crowd remained. The two headliners, known for both their rise in the WTA ranks and their captivating careers in fashion and modeling, each welcomed a Pliskova sister for the best of 3 match. Harkleroad and Karolina Pliskova proved to be too strong for their counterparts, winning in straight sets.

IMLA's production director, Manuel Mate, stated "The players were wonderful and very cooperative throughout the event, and Mr. Agassi is truly a role model in all aspects of his life, on and off the court!  This event meant so much for Colombia," Mr. Mate repeated several times as he showed his gratitude to the players and all the fans that supported the event. "We look forward to working with Premier in 2011 and bring yet another historic experience to Colombia."

Perhaps the most unique and positive aspect within Agassi Sampras Tour is the noise the players are making off the court as well. Facilitated by Premier International and IMLA, Thursday afternoon, Andre Agassi and Ashley Harkleroad were found navigating Club de Colombia in golf carts while shaking hands, smiling for pictures, and even hitting a few tee shots with donors at the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education event. Following the activities on the golf course itself, a reception for the Foundation was held at the Club de Colombia clubhouse. The donors could not have been more thrilled, as Agassi and Harkleroad opened up on a personal level, holding conversations, signing autographs, and taking more photos. With over fifteen years of continued contribution, The Andre Agassi Foundation for Education continues to lead the way for athletes worldwide.

Anna Kournikova, also known for her charitable actions, made her presence felt off the court as well. Following a press conference that touched on tennis, her off court career, and the match itself, it was time for Anna to focus in on what has made her such an outstanding role model. Kournikova spent the rest of her afternoon before the match high-fiving, crawling on the floor, and handing out small gifts to a select group of children with disabilities from the SURCOS Y NINEZ Y DESARROLLO foundation. Anna went above and beyond with the children, making personal connections and showing a passion that makes her a unique figure in the sporting landscape. COLDEPORTES Director, Jairo Clopatofsky, regarded Anna's "lightening bolt" like impact as unheralded in the lives of the children, and responded with a plaque honoring Anna for her efforts with children both in Bogota, and throughout her career worldwide.

Tour Director, Kent Aguero stated "I couldn't be more satisfied! IMLA and it's members produced all levels of the operations impeccably ... Excellent team!  Premier would also like to send a special 'thank you' to Seguros del Estado, and personally Mr. Humberto Mora who's participation exceeded his line of duty, allowing Colombia to shine on this night. Sincerely, for us Seguros del Estado truly reflects who Colombia really is!" In the words of Mr. Andre Agassi, "(Seguros del Estado) put a lot of effort into guaranteeing the success of not only the event, but also everyone who was part of this fantastic event." 

Tour headliners Agassi and Sampras will again be joined by Kournikova and Harkleroad as host city San Jose, Costa Rica prepares for the arrival of the Tour September 18. The immense impact felt in Bogota will surely resonate throughout Latin America as well, as the players are poised to make more lasting impressions both on and off the court.

Agassi and Sampras will continue to take Latin America by storm throughout 2010, as Anna Kournikova and Ashley Harkleroad join the legends for exhibitions at other renowned getaway locations.