
Professional Dish & Dishes

 In the Western(view from Japan)dishes/food, the dish/container is the white campus. The dishes can be freely drawn on the dish thinking only about the shape of the container. In Japanese dishes, the container is a part of the material of the dishes. Not only shape but also the color, scenery, and the material feeling are important. Moreover, the feeling and the weight become one of the critical factors as for the container used having it in the hand, too.
 In this page, it introduces the container and the dishes that takes shots of restaurant visited and remained in the impression、without permission. Please pardon it though it is understood whether the image is not good because shooting conditions are bad neither or there is a photograph of starting eat because it notices on the way and it took a shot.

美山荘(京都府、花背) Miymasou(Hanase,Kyoto)
魚仙(滋賀県、信楽) Uosen(Shigaraki,Shiga)
Coctura桜井(滋賀県、大津市) CocturaSakurai(Ohtsu,Shiga)
比良山荘(滋賀県,朽木) Hirasansou(Kuchiki,Shiga)
比良山荘2(滋賀県,朽木) Hirasansou(Kuchiki,Shiga)
松花堂(大阪府、枚方市) Shoukadou(Hirakata,Osaka)
石坡廊(ソウル市) Seokparang(Seoul,Korea)
洋々閣(佐賀県、唐津市) Youyoukaku(Karatsu,Saga)
楽入陶房 壺中庵(滋賀県、信楽) Rakunyutoboh Kochuan(Shigaraki,Shiga)
とよなか桜会(大阪府、豊中市) Toyonaka Sakurae(Toyonaka,Osaka)
たくみ(鳥取県、鳥取市) Takumi(Tottori,Tottori)
大津魚忠(滋賀県,大津市) Ohtsu Uochu(Ohtsu,Shiga)