Lighting Design(Landscape・Commercial・Residential)
Nakajima Tatsuoki Lighting Design LabLinkIcon
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Research, Analysis and Application

Lighting is familiar to us in our regular life, however, information about lighting is not fully understood among many people in related technology, academic, industrial and administrative fields. We can give appropriate advice, and provide effective and environmentally friendly lighting solutions.

Street light investigative commission

In 2010, Yoshiko Fukuda, one of the founders of our company, was chosen to be on the committee of "The street light investigative commission in Yokohama". They discussed about changing the street lights to LED lights.

She conducted a field survey with the residents, to make a specification document for the introduction of LED street lights.

This graph indicates the relationship between the residents’ opinions and the illiminance; horizontal average illuminance and the vertical minimum illuminance..

This graph indicates the relationship between the comfort of walking and driving on the road, and the uniformity ratio.
※uniformity ratio(minimum illuminance/average illuminance)

Psychological influence of lighting

We study the combination of interior colors and lighting, to provide comfortable spaces for people of all ages.

In 2002, we conducted an impression assessment experiment on young students and aged people. The following pictures show some examples of spaces in which both ages felt comfortable. Using the results of the impression assessment experiment, we focus not only on the psychological factors, but also on the physiological factors, to maximize the lighting effect.

preferred space1Preferred space1preferred space1Preferred space2Dislikable spaceDislikable space

Comfortable space for the young and the aged.(Yokohama National University)