
アルバム・タイトル(曲名・内容) 演奏者 レーベル ディスクナンバー
・A Solway Symphony
・Hills o'Heather for Cello and Orchestra
・Were the Wild Thyme Blows
Alasdair Mitchell/The London Philharmonic, Moray Welsh (vc) CHANDOS CHAN 9345
・Three Border Ballads
 1) Grey Galloway
 2) The Demon Lover
 3) Coronach
Alasdair Mitchell/The London Philharmonic CHANDOS CHAN 9241
・Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity Alasdair Mitchell/The London Philharmonic, Brighton Festival Chorus, Janice Watson (soprano) CHANDOS CHAN 9669
Sonata in E minor
・Vignettes from La Côte d'Argent
・Four Sketches
・Sonatina for Pianoforte in G minor
・Three Preludes
・On Southern Hills
Geoffrey Tozer (p) CHANDOS CHAN 9933
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