@The world of daytime
A number of days passed. The bird kept still, and even if the boy addressed, it did not move. However the bird began to speak again in the morning of fine weather. "I can be gone back and forth another world and the "world here" When I keep still, it is a time of being in "another world ." You@may not know@another world. However, you are looking that world in the dream. I will go to "the world of daytime" in another world" together with me.@When it finished saying, the bird took off from the shelf. The boy fainted away for a moment. When noticed, he was flying the dark tunnel at uncanny speed. A boy's body has the same size as the bird which is present in a side. Impending became bright suddenly. He jumped into the very bright world. That was a place like the yard of flowers full of a solar light.

