
 The egg had broken in a certain morning.
. However, there was no figure of a bird anywhere. At the daytime time the boy found that the bluebird had stopped on a shelf . The bird was gazing at the boy for a while. And it began to tell in man's words before long. "You knew how to hatch out a blue egg. That it is required to hatch an egg should bask in the light of the sun and the moon. Another is having man see. I have just been born to the world here. However, in another world, I have lived for a long time. I take you to another world after this. You will regard having met me as fortunate. " Having finished saying, the bird flew about the inside of the room for a while. The bird returned on the shelf after that. And he did not move intently. Since the boy did not have a friend, he was pleased with this encounter.