Two Hibakusha visit Nevada.

  Mr. Takamitsu Nakayama, Executive Director of Hidankyo, Mr. Yasuo Endo, Secretary General of Aichi prefectural Hidankyo, and four other members take part events for the 50th anniversary of the first nuclear explosion at the Nevada Test Site, sponsored by the Alliance of Atomic Veterans.  The event starts January 26 2001.

The current schedule of events is:

Friday 1-26 AAV forum at a local church topics/panels (not in order):
The experience of the bomb - This is the panel that Hibakusha, Atomic Veterans will be on.
The nuclear Navy -  This will focus on submarines and will be chaired by Brad Goines
Depleted Uranium - From nuclear waste to nuclear weapons
Atomic workers - This will focus on the civilian military connection and the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. .
The next 50,000 years - Nuclear waste both proposed at Yucca Mountain, residual radioactive materials from nuclear testing and low level waste from other DOE sites being transported to the Nevada Test Site.
Downwinders - Stories from Utah

Saturday 1-27  The 50th anniversary - At the Nevada Test Site
This will be a mid day event at the main gate.  The speakers topics will be short forms of the Friday panels.

Sunday 1-28 Solidarity Sunday - Where do we go from here?
This will be a more loosely structured forum focusing on future events and campaigns.

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