WiSP registration

 WiSP program is available:

   WiSP3215 update program is on the following web;


 WiSP Application for Registration:


  1. Specify that you want to order WiSP32 program for Windows XP.

  2. Specify that you want to donate for WiSP32.

           US$50 (AMSAT members)
           US$60 (AMSAT non-members)

  3. Specify that you use 'Postal Money Orders' or 'Credit Card'.
     In case of 'Credit Card', you must specify the card type,
     the number, and the expiration date.

  4. Specify your name, callsign, and your domicile.

  5. AMSAT-NA address:

           Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
           850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600
           Silver Springs, MD 20910, USA
           Phone 001-1-301-589-6062
           Fax   001-1-301-608-3410  (from Japan)

 WiSP sample Form for Registration:

     ---------------------------- SNIP ----------------------------

     I would like to order your software product "WiSP" for an 
     amateur radio station JE9PEL. Please send me a Registration 
     Number of "WiSP for Windows XP".

     I, Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, am happy to make my donation,
                   **US$ to AMSAT.

                                                    8-Feb. 1999

     My address is:
                   Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL
                   Isogo-ku, Yokohama
                   235-0041  Japan

     Daytime telephone number is:

     (In case of 'Postal Money Orders')
     And I enclose a Postal Money Orders for **US$ herewith.

     (In case of 'Credit Card')
     Credit card information:
                   Expiration date:

 PB/PG programs are available:
   These are the original programs for UoSAT.


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