SO-50 first received

00:55-01:08 UTC, 24 Feb 2022, 436.795MHz FM, Ele 36deg S-E-EN
I heard someone's voice via the satellite for the first time in Ishigaki Island.
Since the reception environment of my station is limited to the south direction,
I could confirm only the establishment of communication between JE1CVL and JS6DR9,

I compared the difference between Ishigaki and Yokohama of the SO-50's pass that
I received yesterday with the Calsat32 application. There was 4-5 minute difference
in the flight time, and the difference of almost half the elevation angle.
The time I received was around 01:01 TCA in Ishigaki city and 2 minutes after AOS
in Yokohama city. Only a few minutes when the satellite passes south, it will be
a communication opportunity, because my antenna living in Ishigaki city is a fixed
antenna limited to the south direction. 

Ishigaki city, 00:55-01:08 UTC, 24 Feb 2022, 436.795MHz FM, Ele 36deg S-E-EN
Yokohama city, 00:59-01:13 UTC, 24 Feb 2022, 436.795MHz FM, Ele 79deg WS-S-E

Calsat32 application allows you to set between two stations. I never knew it so far.
(Observation 1: Yokohama city, Observation 2: Ishigaki city.) 
Usage guide_PDF p.24

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