Nobu Imoto's Home Page (Science)

Updated: 27 September 2023 / Japanese version is here.

Publication/Citation Data (26 September 2023):

Scopus: #Publications = 264, #Citations = 8258, h-index = 44
Google Scholar: #Publications = 370, #Citations = 11398, h-index = 54, i10-index = 150

Top 1%-10% papers (2 Oct. 2018, Scopus):

99%(a), 99%(b), 99%(c), 98%(a), 98%(b), 97%(a), 97%(b), 97%(c), 97%(d), 96%(a), 96%(b), 96%(c),
95%(a), 95%(b), 94%(a), 94%(b), 93%, 92%(a), 92%(b), 91%(a), 91%(b), 90%, etc.

CV (Coming soon) / List of papers, presentations, and books (in English).

Current Academic and Public Activities (as of 11 February, 2023)

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