to butoh/itto

big photo of Mika

Gestures only

    Amazing events are waiting for Cracovian theatergoers:  the conference "The Human Body - a Universal Sign", which is accompanied by the Japanese butoh dance shows, is about to begin.
    Choreographers, scientists and actors have come to Cracow and will spend next week discussing motion expression and liberation of natural gestures from habitual, mechanical reactions. During the workshops conducted by, among others, Japanese actors, participants will be able to get to know motion techniques of modern dance and yoga, and also the introduction to technique of butoh - expressional dance from Japan which expresses internal tensions and energies residing in the body. The Butoh dance can be also regarded as a special kind of meditation.
    It is already yesterday when the Cracovians had the foretaste of the forthcoming events. The Japanese actress Mika Takeuchi showed a short improvisation accompanied with rough, not rhythmical music. Even a word wasn't spoken during the performance. The actress showed a sequence of choreographic arrangements, acting by means of facial expression, gestures and body movements.
    During the meetings, there will be also shown a performance by "The Arab - Hebrew Theatre" troupe, which consists of Arabs and Jews. They will show in PWST a political performance entitled "the Lane of White Chairs" which metaphorically recounts about lots of the Near East inhabitants.
