

エンタープライズ号は惑星に不時着。ピカードとカーク艦長はソランの野望(?)を無事食い止める ことができました。データは感情チップのオーバーロードを克服しましたね。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
James T. Krik:カーク艦長、退職
Tolian Soran:ドクター

Da: I have rerouted auxiliary power to the lateral thrusters. Attempting to level our descent.
R : All hands, brace for impact.

So: Just who the hell are you?
P : He's James T. Kirk. Don't you read history? I've got to get to the launcher. The ribbon will be here in a minute.
K : I'll take care of Soran.
So: Actually I am familiar with history, Captain. And if I'm not too much mistaken, you're dead.
P : Ooh! Ooh!
K : Uh!
So: Oh!
K : I thought you were heading for the launcher.
P : I changed my mind. Captain's prerogative. We need that control pad. Captain, look! Where's Soran?
K : Whoa!
P : We're runnig out of time. Look. The contol pad. It's still on the other side.
K : I'll get it. You go for the launcher.
P : No, you'll never make that by yourself. We have to work together.
K : We are now working together. Trust me. Go.
P : Good luck, Captain.
K : Call me Jim. Whoa! Aha!
So: Picard! Get away from that launcher. Now!
K : Did we do it? Did we make a difference?
P : Oh, yes. We made a differnce. Thank you.
K : The least I could do... for the Captain of the Enterprise. It was fun. Oh, my....

P : Captain's log, stardate 48650.1. Three Starfleet vessels have arrived in orbit and have begun to beam up the Enterprise survivals. Our casualties were light. But, unfortunately the Enterprise herself cannot be salvaged.
Da: It has been extremely difficult, Counselor.
De: Well then, why did you decide not to remove the emotion chip?
Da: At first, I was unprepared for the unpredictable nature of emotions. However, having experienced 261 distinct emotional states, I believe I have learned to control my feelings. They will no longer control me.
De: Well, I hope you're successful, Data. Data, over here I found something. One life sign, very faint.
Da: Spot! I am very happy to see you, Spot.
De: Another family reunited. Data, are you all right?
Da: I am uncertain, Counselor. I am happy to see Spot. Yet I am crying. Perhaps, the chip is malfunctioning.
De: I think it's working perfectly.
Da: Ha.Ha... Hello, Spot.
R : Is this it?
P : Yes, yes, that's it, Number one. Thank you.
R : I'm gonna miss this ship. She went before her time.
P : Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all, Number one, we're only mortal.
R : Speak for youself, sir. I plan to live forever. I always thought I'd get a shot at this chair oneday.
P : Perhaps, you still will. Somehow I doubt that this will be the last ship to carry the name Enterprise. Picard to Farragut. Two to beam up.

By たけやん
