



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズE艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Worf:対Borg戦用戦闘艦「Defiant」号を指揮、Lieutenant Commander(少佐)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Dr. Zefram Cochrane:人類史上初めてワープ航行可能な宇宙船を建造し、異星人とのFirst Contactを実現した人物。21世紀の人。

Co: A.T.R. setting?
Ge: Active.
Co: Main bus?
R : Ready.
Co: Initiate pre-ignition sequence.

P: Begin auto-destruct sequence, authorization Picard-4-7-alpfa-tango.
Cr: Computer, Commander Beverly Crusher. Confirm auto-destruct sequence, authorization Crushser-2-2-beta-Charlie.
Wo: Computer, Lieutenant Commander Worf. Confirm auto-destruct sequence. Authorization Worf-3-7-gamma-echo.
Co: Command authorization is accepted. Awaiting final code to begin auto-destruct sequence.
P: This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Destruct sequence alpfa-one, 15 minutes, silent countdown. Enable.
Co: Self-destruct in 15 minutes. There will be no further audio warnings.
Cr: So much for the Enterprise E.
P: We barely knew her.
Cr: You think they'll build another one?
P: Plenty of letters left in the alphabet. Mr. Worf. I regret some of the things I said to you earlier.
Wo: Some?
P: As a matter of fact, I think you're the bravest man I've ever known.
Wo: Thank you, sir.
P: See you on gravett island.

Da: Captain!
P: Data.

De: Control to Phoenix. Final launch-sequence checks are complete. Good luck.
R: Everybody ready to make some history?
Ge: Always am.
Co: I think I forgot something.
R: What?
Co: I don't know. It's probably nothing.
De: Begin ignition sequence. 20,19...
Co: Oh, God. Now I remember.
Ge: What?
Co: Where is it?
Ge: What?
Co: We can't lift off without it.
R: Geordi we've got to abort.
Co: No, no, wait! I found it.
De: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8,
Co: Let's rock'n' roll.
De: 7, 6...

By Picard
