
PREV:無条件降伏 NEXT:ライカー登場

Qに降伏した Picardたちは、裁判の被告席に立たされます。 罪状は “人類が下品で野蛮であること”の罪。そしてその責任をとること。 Q の強引なやり方に、有罪を認めます。ただし一つの条件をつけて... Captain Picardが、Q に突きつけた条件とは?!


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

Ba: The prisoners will all stand.
Da: Historically intriguing, Captain. Very, very accurate.
P: Mid-21st century. The post-atomic horror.
Ba: All present stand and make respectful attention to honored judge.
De: Careful, Sir. This is not an illusion or a dream.
P: But these courts belong in the past.
De: I don't understand, either, but this is real.
Ba: Get to your feet, criminals!
Da: At least we are acquainted with the judge, Captain.
Ba: Attention! On your feet. Attention.
Q: You are out of order. The prisoners will not be harmed until they are found guilty. Dispose of that.
P: Can we assume you mean this will be a fair trial?
Q: Yes. Absolutely equitable.
Ba: Before this gracious court, now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of the species. How plead you, criminal?
Da: If I may, Captain? Objection, your honor. In the year 2036, the new United Nations declared that no earth citizen could be made to answer for the crimes of his race of forebears. [forbearではなくて forebears = ancestorでしたね]
Q: Objection denied. This is a court of the year 2079, by which time more rapid progress has caused all united earth nonsense to be abolished.
P: Tasha, no!
Ta: I must! Because I grew up in a world that allowed things like this court. And it was people like these that saved me from it. This so-called court should get down on its knees to what Starfleet is, whatever it represents.
De: You barbarian! This woman cannot be gone!
Ba: Criminals keep silence.
P: You've got a lot to learn about humans if you think you can torture us or frighten us into silence! Will she live?
Da: Uncertain. When he froze Lieutenant Torres on the bridge, we had our sick bay to help thaw him out.
Ba: You will answer the charges, criminal.
P: Or what?! Or this?! Or the death? Or worse? You promised the prisoners would not be harmed. We plead nothing so long as you break your own rules.
Q: I suggest you center your attention on this trial, Captain. It may be your only hope.
P: I suggest you are now having second thoughts about it. You are considering if you conduct a fair trial, which was your promise, you may lose.
P: Yes. Even though you are judge and prosecutor.
Q: And jury!
P: Accepted, so long as you keep to your agreement. And assaulting a prisoner is hardly a fair trial.
Q: This is a merciful court. Silence! Continuing these proceedings, I must caution you that legal trickery is not permitted. This is a court of f...
P: A Court of Fact! We, humans know our past even when we're ashamed of it. I recognize this court system as the one we agreed with the line from Shakespeare; kill all the lawyers!
Q: Which was done.
P: Leading to the rule, "guilty until proven innocent."
Q: Of course. Bringing the innocent to trial would be unfair. You will now anser to the charge of being a grievously savage race.
P: "Grievously savage" could mean anything. I will answer only specific charges.
Q: Are you certain you want a full disclosure of human ugliness? So be it, fool. Present the charges!
Ba: Criminal, you will read the charges to the court.
P: I see no charges against us, your honor.
Q: You are out of order! Soldiers, you will press those triggers if this criminal answers with any word other than "guilty." Criminal, how plead you?
P: Guilty... Provisionally!
Q: The court will hear the provision.
P: We question whether this court is abiding by its own trial instructions. Have I your permission to have Commander Data repeat the record.
Q: There'll be no legal trickery.
P: These will be your own words, your honor. What exactly followed his honor statement that "the prisoners will not be harmed?"
Da: Yes, sir. The captain did ask the question, "Can we assume you mean this will be a fair trial?" And in reply the judge stated, "Yes, absolutely equitable."
Q: Irrelevant testimony. Entirely irrelevant.
P: All right! We agree that there is evidence to support the court's contention that humans have been savage! Therefore, I say, "TEST US!" TEST whether this is presently true of humans.
Q: I see. I see... So you petition the court to accept you and your comrades as proof of what humanity's become?
P: There must be many ways we can be tested. We have a long mission ahead of us.
Q: Another brilliant suggestion, Captain. But your test hardly requires a long mission. Your immediate destination offers far more challenge than you can possibly imagine. Yes. This FarPoint Station will be an excellent test.
Ba: All present, respectfully stand.
Q: This court is adjourned to allow the criminals to be tested.
Ba: This honorable court is adjourned. Stand respectfully.
Q: Captain, you may find that you are not nearly clever enough to deal with what lies ahead for you. It may have been better to accept sentence here...
Picard 以下、突然Enterpriseに戻る。


PREV:無条件降伏 NEXT:ライカー登場

 Qに判決までの猶予を与えられたCaptain Picard は、Far Point Stationの謎に立ち向か います。 “人類は野蛮ではない” という証を自らうちたてられるか、Jean-Luk!