-- Japanese Etiquette --

Understanding Japanese Behavioral Patterns, Language and Culture

 in the Business Context

Prof. KOBAYASHI Toshihiko



Seminar Room 256

This seminar will help you learn Japanese behavioral patterns and culture and language in the business context, particularly for tourism. It also aims to enhance your skills and willingness to interact with Japanese people in both formal and informal settings by learning Japanese etiquettes and their backgrounds. You are expected to actively participate in discussion in English on various topics related to authentic business interactions with Japanese business persons and tourists and in creating group video projects to introduce local attractions to the world in various languages.

In this seminar, you will:

1. Learn how to make a good first impression to Japanese people.

2. Learn how to get along well with Japanese people.

3. Learn how to avoid being misunderstood by Japanese people.

4. Learn how to avoid conflict with Japanese people.

5. Learn how to behave properly in public places in Japan.

Seminar Activities

1. Oral Presentations on your hometown and university in English

2. Discussion on news on Japan and the Japanese

3. Video Projects to promote OUC and Hokkaido to the world

4. Trips to hot springs for field work and regular izakaya or karaoke parties to learn Japanese etiquettes in authentic settings: Saturday, November 2, 9,000 – 12,000 yen

5. Culture ambassador visits to local elementary schools

VoiceComments from Seminar Students from Abroad

South Dakota, U.S.A.

Steve Derenge
(enrolled Spring 2018)

At Professor Kobayashi's seminar, I had the opportunity to increase my understanding of Japanese culture and etiquette through the course textbook. Although I was already familiar with basic Japanese culture and etiquette due to living in Japan for nine months prior, the textbook greatly enhanced the depth of my understanding and could prove invaluable to a newcomer to Japan. Also, I both joined and enjoyed the course due to the social opportunities that it made available. Not only could I be better connected to the other foreign and Japanese students through the classroom sessions, but I got to spend more quality time with them through optional weekend trips to Japanese inns and resorts in places such as Niseko and Lake Toya. This seminar likewise opened up opportunities for me to connect with more Japanese students. For example, I could participate at will during some of Professor Kobayashi's sessions for first-year Japanese students in order to help them improve their English skills. Taking advantage of such opportunities gave me great satisfaction as I encouraged the students about their English skills and progress. It also gave me a greater appreciation and practical applications for improved English teaching and language learning. For these and many other reasons, including Professor Kobayashi's gracious hospitality both inside and outside the classroom, I highly recommend his seminar for international students. It may prove an invaluable opportunity to increase in leadership skills, cultural understanding, and memorable experiences during your time in Japan.

Aux, France

Celine Amblard
(enrolled Fall 2016 – Spring 2017)

Ce seminaire m'a avant tout donne la possibilite de rencontrer et d'interagir avec des etudiants japonais. Nous etions peu nombreux, et de ce fait, il etait plus facile pour nous d'apprendre a nous connaitre. J'ai meme eu la chance de me faire de vrais amis au sein de ce seminaire, avec lesquels je vais garder contact meme une fois rentree en France. De plus, Professeur Kobayashi organise des petits week-end dans l'Hokkaido, donc c'est vraiment une superbe opportunite de decouvrir un peu la region !Au niveau du contenu de ce seminaire, je pense honnetement que c'est l'un des seminaires le plus interessant et le plus amusant. Chaque semaine, nous avons aborde un sujet different, toujours dans le theme de la societe japonaise et de ses differences avec les autres pays. C'etait tres enrichissant et je pense que le fait d'etre a l'aise avec tous les etudiants presents m'a permis de discuter honnetement de toutes ces differences culturelles.Bien que le cours soit donne en anglais, vous aurez la possibilite de pratiquer votre japonais car une bonne partie du cours est consacree a la discussion. Que vous soyez debutant ou avance en japonais, ce seminaire est donc l'occasion de pratiquer l'oral, ce qui manque dans les autres cours. J'espere que vous passerez une inoubliable annee (ou un semestre) a OUC !

This seminar gave me the opportunity to meet and interact with Japanese students. We were only a few students, so it was easier to get to know each other. I'm very lucky because I could even make close Japanese friends, with whom I will stay in touch even after I go back to France. And Professor Kobayashi organizes little trips around Hokkaido, which is a great opportunity to discover the region! When it comes to the content of this seminar, I honestly think this is one of the most interesting and funny seminar. Every week, we talked about a different subject, always related to Japanese society and cultural differences with other countries. It gave me a better insight into the Japanese society, and I do think that feeling comfortable with other students encouraged me discussion honestly and deeply about these cultural differences. Even though the class is given in English, you'll be able to practice your Japanese because you'll spent a big part of this seminar discussing with other students. So whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker of Japanese, this is definitely a great chance to improve! I hope you'll have a great year/semester at OUC!



OUC Internationa Guest House

 2  OUC Dormitory  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m3PD1otJXQ
 3  OUC Gym  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itrzTyWxsbw
 Otaru Canal  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC-tqf-ZAuw