Protura of the Izu Islands

Throughout the survey from November to December 1983, 4,460 proturan specimens were collected from 35 localities in the Izu Islands. The preset proturan fauna was composed of typical representatives of the warm-temperate region in Japna.
location of Izu Islands and collecting sites
@@A: Izu-Oshima (13 localities)
@@B: Miyake-jima (12 localites)
@@C: Hachijo-jima(10 localities)
Izu-Oshima Miyake-jima Hachijo-jima
Eosentomon sakura
Eosentomon tokiokai
Eosentomon udagawai
Eosentomon asahi @ @
Eosentomon sp.
Paranisentomon tuxeni @
Neocondeellum japonicum
Baculentulus morikawai
Baculentulus tosanus
Baculentulus nitidus @
Baculentulus nipponicus @ @
Neobaculentulus izumi @
Kenyentulus japonicus
Silvestridia hutan
Imadateiella yosiiana @
Nipponentomon nippon
No. of species recorded PT PR PQ

Further information in
Nakamura, O., 1986. Study on Protura (Insecta) of the Izu Islands. I The faunal make-up. Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History, (4): 1-13.
Nakamura, O., 1990. Study on Protura (Insecta) of the Izu Islands. II. Community structure. Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History, (8): 11-15. (in Japanese with English abstract)

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