木村精二先生のご逝去にあたって、英国ウィリアム・ハーシェル協会の客員委員メンバーでハーシェル一家の子孫でもある William Herschel-Shorland氏から、お悔やみと思い出の言葉が本協会に電子メールで届きました。以下にそのまま掲載させていただきます。
Just a quick note here to record my sadness at the news of Seiji Kimura’s death, which I read about in the Journal of the William Herschel Society.
I have very fond memories of meeting Seiji on several occasions in the company of my parents in the UK, and most especially on a visit I made to Tokyo many years ago whilst a university student in the mid-1980s. Seiji Kimura was a splendidly generous and kind host to me whilst on an extended stay in Japan, and I spent a fascinating day on an ‘astronomical tour’ in warmly welcoming company he organised and assembled. As a direct consequence of his engaging welcome, I have had a strong warmth and affinity for all matters Japanese ever since! I am sure Seiji will be greatly missed by very many and I will treasure his memory, and the enthusiasms he kindled ? and you may all be comforted to know that he has left a very fine legacy in the William Herschel Society of Japan.