天ぷら Tempura

“Tempura 天ぷら、天麩羅、天婦羅” is a Japanese dish usually consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered with flour-based “Neriko 練り粉 (Koromo-eki 衣液) Batter” and deep fried.

In the 16th century, Portuguese missionaries and merchants who came to Japan by “Manban-sen 南蛮船European trading ship” and resided in Nagasaki introduced the fritter-cooking techniques using “Komugi-ko 小麦粉 Flour” and eggs as a batter and lard.

Before that Japanese “Age-mono 揚げ物 Deep-fried food” was simply fried ingredients without batter, or fried with “Kome-ko 米粉 Rice flour”. 

「天ぷら」という名前はラテン語の「quatuor anni tempora」に由来すると言われ、カトリック教徒が赤身の肉を避け、魚や野菜を食べる聖なる日(時間)です。
The name “Tempura” originates from the Latin phrase “Quatuor anni tempora”, which refers to the Ember Days (time) when Catholics avoid red meat and instead eat fish or vegetables.

Today in Japan the mainstream of “Tempura” recipes basically originate from “Edo-mae (style) tempura 江戸前天ぷら” which was invented at the food stalls along the riverside “Uo-gashi 魚河岸 Fish market” in “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”.

“Edo-mae 江戸前” means the bay in front of Edo.

The recipe of “Tempura” was first published in 1671 in the cook book called “Ryōri-kondate-shō 料理献立抄 Cooking menu extract”.

Because oil extraction techniques advanced, “Goma-abura
胡麻油 Sesame oil” that can be used for “tempura” became inexpensive.

But traditional Japanese housing was constructed with paper and wood which could catch fire easily from the “Tempura-abura 天ぷら油Oil”.

So, making deep-fried foods indoors was prohibited in Edo due to a possible fire hazard.

In Edo Bay, abundant seafood were caught, at food market along riverside and the place near the bridges, the “Yatai
屋台 Food cart/stall” that served food with fresh ingredients became popular.

The “Tempura” using “Goma-abura
胡麻油 Sesame oil” developed as a method of cooking while maintaining its fresh flavor.

At the “Yatai
屋台 Food cart/stall”, it is convenient like modern fast food to dip skewered tempura into “Ten-tsuyu 天つゆ Dipping sauce” mixed with “Daikon oroshi 大根おろし Grated radish” and eat quickly.

Commoners in Edo enjoyed eating standing at the stalls.

“Tempura 天ぷら” has been considered as one of “Top three of the Edo Delicacies” along with  “Nigiri-zushi 握り寿司 Hand-formed sushi” and “Soba 蕎麦 Buckwheat noodle”.

“Kuruma-ebi車海老Prawn”, “Anago 穴子Conger eel”, “Haze 沙魚 Goby”, “Kisu きす Japanese whiting”, “Ika烏賊 Squid”, “Shirauo 白魚 Icefish”, “Ginpo ぎんぽ Tidepool gunnel” were the main ingredient of “Edo-mae (style) tempura江戸前天ぷら”.

Not only seafood, but also such as the vegetables including “Nasu 茄子 Eggplant” or “Renkon 蓮根 Lotus root”, mushrooms including “Shitake椎茸Mushroom”, “Takenoko Bamboo shoot” and seaweed are the ingredients of the tempura.

Tempura batter is traditionally mixed in small batches using “Hashi Chopsticks” for only a few seconds, leaving lumps in the mixture.

In result, the unique fluffy and crisp tempura structure will be made when cooked.

Overmixing the batter will result in activation of wheat gluten, which causes the flour mixture to become soft and dough-like when fried.

Thin slices or strips of vegetables or seafood are dipped in the batter, then briefly deep-fried in hot oil.

Cooked bits of tempura are either eaten by dipping quickly in “Ten-tsuyu Dipping sauce” mixed with “Daikon-oroshi 大根おろし grated daikon”.

 The most common “Ten-tsuyu 天つゆ Sauce” is roughly three parts “Dashi-jiru だし汁 Soup”, one part “Mirin 味醂 Sweet sake for seasoning”, and one part “Shōyu 醤油 Soy sauce”.

Depending on the ingredients, “Tempura” may be sprinkled with sea salt, “Maccha 抹茶 powdered green tea”, powdered carry and powered yuzu instead of “Ten-tsuyu 天つゆ Sauce”.

In Japan, “Tempura soba 天ぷら蕎麦” with “Tempura” on “Soba” or “Tempura udon 天ぷらうどん” with “Tempura” on “Udon” is often found.

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