芸者 Geisha

芸者 Geisha girl” are Japanese-haired women who characterized by their wearing elaborate “Kimono 着物” and “Oshiroi 白粉 Face powder” makeup.

The word “Geisha
芸者” consists of two “Kanji 漢字 Chinese character”, “Gei ” meaning “Art” and “Sha ” meaning “Person” or “Performer”.

The original “Geisha
芸者” were men skilled in “Bu-gei 武芸 Martial arts”.

The “Bu-gei Martial arts” have changed with the development of weapons such as “Yumi
Bow”, “Yari Spear”, “Katana Sword”,  “Naginata 薙刀 Halbert”.

Now, the most literal translation of “Geisha” into English would be “Art Performer or Performing artist”.

From the end of “Azuchi-Momoyama-jidai 安土桃山時代 Period (1573-1603)” to the early “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period (1603-1868)”, it was popular in Kyoto to get eye-catching with flashy costumes and actions.

They were called “Kabuki-mono かぶき者 Person” because of their “Kabuku 傾く” meanings of unusual appearances and actions that would be noticeable.

And there were “Yūjo 遊女 Performer or Prostitute” who set up a stage on the riverbank of “Kamo-gawa 鴨川 River” in Kyoto and performed erotic dances and skits with wore costumes like “Kabuki-mono Person”.

They were in charge of “Joyū 女優 Actress”, Dance performer, and Musicians combined with “Shōfu 娼婦 Prostitute”.

This new performing art was called “Kabuki-odori 歌舞妓踊り Dance performance” or “Yūjo-kabuki 遊女歌舞妓 Play”, and spread throughout the country.

Traditional Japan embraced sexual delights.

Sexual enjoyment and romantic attachment with “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute” are not taboo of “Shinto
神道” and “Bukkyō 仏教 Buddhism”.

“Kuge 公家 Court noble”, “Bushi 武士 Samurai”, “Sōryo 僧侶 Monks” also enjoyed pleasure with “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute”.

In 1589, “Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉” designated “Yūri 遊里 Red-light district” in “Kyoto 京都”.

In 1590 (Tensho 18), “Toyotomi Hideyoshi” brought “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute” from “Yūri” in Kyoto at “Odawara 小田原” at “Odawara-seibatsu 小田原征伐 Conquest”.

In the same year, “Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康” entered into “Edo-jō 江戸城 Castle.

After “Sekigahara no Tatakai 関ヶ原の戦い Battle”, “Edo Bakufu 江戸幕府 Shogunate” was established in 1603 (Keicho 8).

Not only “Bushi 武士 Samurai”, but also many workers gathered from all over the country for the construction of “Shuto Edo 首都江戸 Capital”.

After the men, many “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute” came to Edo.

“Kensei-ya 傾城屋 Pleasure house” where hired “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute” were made in various places.

“Shoji Jin-emon 庄司甚右衛門” who had run “Kensei-ya
傾城屋 Pleasure house” in “Yoshiwara-juku 吉原宿” of “Suruga 駿河”, came to Edo.

In 1617 (Genwa 3), “Bakufu 幕府 Shogunate” licensed “Yūkaku 遊郭 Pleasure district” near “Nihombashi 日本橋”, with “Shoji Jin-emon 庄司甚右衛門” as “Nanushi 名主 Village head”.

And the business at “Yoshiwara 吉原 Pleasure district” began in 1618.

The highest class of “Yūjo Performer or Prostitute” were called “Tayū
太夫 Courtesan” or “Oiran 花魁 Courtesan”.

“Tayū Courtesan” and the early “Oiran Courtesan” were acquired arts and culture.

  新よし原尾州楼かり 国立国会図書館 所蔵

In addition, “Yūjo-Kabuki Play” was prohibited in 1629 (Kan-ei 6), and the actors of “Kabuki” were sometimes called “Geisha
芸者 Performer”.

In “Genroku-nenkan 元禄年間 (1688-1704) Era”, a full-time entertainers who made up for the lack of the performing arts of “Oiran Courtesans” appeared in “Yoshiwara 吉原Pleasure district”.

And, they were called “Geisha Performing artist”

The female “Geisha” is “Onna-geisha 女芸者” and the male “Geisha” is “Otoko geisha 男芸者” or “Hōkan 幇間”.

They entertained customers who was waiting the popular “Oiran Courtesan” with dance performances, songs, games, music by “Shamisen 三味線” and others.

“Geisha Performing artist” was quite separated from “Oiran Courtesan” in “Yoshiwara Pleasure district”.

“Geisha” who worked within “Yoshiwara Pleasure district” were strictly forbidden from selling sex in order to protect the business of “Oiran Courtesan”.

They worked with the performing arts such as “Shamisen
三味線”, “Koto ”, dance performances, songs and conversations.

“Oiran Courtesans” plied their more carnal trade after “Geisha” finished their entertainment at “Yoi no kuchi 宵の口 Early evening”.

In addition to “Yoshiwara Pleasure district” licenced by “Bakufu
幕府 Shogunate”, many “Kensei-ya Pleasure house” were run at “Edo-shishuku 江戸四宿(品川、千住、板橋、内藤新宿)Four-stations in Edo (Shinagawa, Senju, Itabashi and Naitō-shinjuku)”.

And, there were an illegarl red-light districts called “Oka-basho
岡場所 District” at “Monzen-machi 門前町 Town in front of temple’s gates”.

The inns at “Edo-shishuku Four-stations”, many prostitutes were hired as “Meshimori-onna
飯盛女 Waitress”

At first, travelers were customers, but eventually “Bushi 武士Samurai”, “Sōryo 僧侶 Monk”, and the common people in Edo became customers.

「吉原」以外は、「芸者」と「花魁」の区別はあいまいでした。In addition to “Except “Geisha” who worked in “Yoshiwara Pleasure district”, the distinction between “Geisha” and “Oiran Courtesan” was fuzzy.

In “Edo-jidai Period”, “Geisha” in “Fukagawa” comparable to “Yoshiwara”.

Because “Fukagawa” was in direction of Edo's “Tatsumi 辰巳 Southeast”, They were called “Tatsumi geisha”.

There were “Geisha” who were proud of spirit “selling art performance but not prostitute”.

They entertained their clients by dance performances, songs, and playing music.

Gradually, they became specialized new profession, purely of entertainment.

They were lightly made up and hooked men’s “Haori 羽織 Japanese half-length coat” over in plain clothes, and went up to “Zashiki 座敷 Japanese-style room” in “Ryōtei 料亭 High-class Japanese-style restaurant” with bare feet even in winter.

As a stage name, they were given male name such as “Otokichi 音吉”, “Tsutakichi 蔦吉”, and “Mameyakko 豆奴”, and made a manly way of speaking.

These seem to have aimed to disguise “Otoko-geisha 男芸者” and deceive the investigation of “Bakufu Shogunate”.

The custom of “Hidarizuma
左褄”, which raises the hem with the left hand when going out, influenced even the traditional “Geiko 芸子” in Kansai.

   深川八幡牡丹 国立国会図書館 所蔵

The Kansai version of “Geisha” is called by another name, “Geiko

The apprentices of “Geiko” are called “Maiko 舞妓”.

After “Meiji-jidai Era”, “Geisha” was placed under the supervision of the police, and “Geigi 芸妓” was used as the government term.

The pleasure district where “Geisha” and “Yūjo” work was called “Kagai
花街District” or “Karyū 花柳 District”.

“Karyū” is derived from “Huajieliuxiang 花街柳巷” in Chinese.

The society where “Geisha” works is “Karyū-kai 花柳界”.

“Kagai” were also called “Sangyōchi 三業地 District” because “Sangyō 三業 Three business” of “Ryōri-ya 料理屋 Catere”, “Machiai-jaya 待合茶屋/料亭 Rental room/Ryōtei”, and “Okiya 置屋” gathered.

In 1872 (Meiji 4), the “Geishōgi kaihō-rei 芸娼妓解放令 Release Order of Geisha and Yūjo” regulated the trafficking of “Shōgi 娼妓 Prostitutes” and the location of “Sangyōchi District”.

In the diplomacy relations with Europe and the United States, it was indispensable to attend the party with his wife.

“Geisha” who is good at socializing and good-looking, has married as lawful wife with the military and politicians, and were active in communication with foreigners.

“Itō Hirofumi 伊藤博文”, “Hara Takashi 原敬”, “Itagaki Taisuke 板垣退助”, “Inukai Tsuyoshi 犬養毅”, “Yamagata Aritomo 山県有朋”, “Mutsu Munemitsu 陸奥宗光”, “Kido Takayoshi 木戸孝允”, “Inoue Kaoru 井上馨”, “Katsura Tarō 桂太郎” and so on are married with “Geisha”.

  元新橋芸者 陸奥宗光妻おりう ウィキペディア

The number of “Geisha” has increased as the political and business world uses “Karyūkai”.

After “Meiji 明治 Era”, “Geisha” in “Akasaka 赤坂” where is near “Nagatacho 永田町” and “Kasumigaseki 霞が関”, had connections with politics.

It is said that many politics enjoyed “Geisha-asobi 芸者遊び Entertainment with Geisha” during behind-the-scenes negotiations at “Ryōtei 料亭 Restaurant”.

Still “Shōwa
昭和 Era”, it was also common that the rich men, including politics, kept “Geisha” as “Mekake Mistress”.

“Geisha” are organized into groups in “Kagai
花街”, and are managed by the registry offices called “Kenban 検番(見番)Office”.

“Kenban Offices” organize and coordinate the schedules of “Geisha”, and arrange “Geisha” only at designated “Ryōtei Restaurant”.

Once, “Yanagibashi 柳橋”, “Yoshimachi 芳町”, “Shinbashi 新橋”, “Akasaka 赤坂”, “Kagurazaka 神楽坂”, “Asakusa 浅草” were called “Roku-kagai 六花街”.

And “Mukōjima
向島” was added after “Karyūkai” of “Yanagibashi” disappeared.

Buyō 舞踊 Dance

Japanese traditional “Buyō 舞踊Dance” is composed of three elements: “Mai 舞い”, Odori 踊り”, and “Furi 振り”.

“Mai” features sliding feet and quiet movements to majestic songs and music.

It expresses the inner surface of the mind in a horizontal motion, has a strong magical element, and has a long history as a performing art for aristocratic society.

“Odori” expresses a specific meaning rhythmically with physical movements to light songs and music.

「踊り」は、新仏教の興隆とともに特に「鎌倉時代」になって発達しました。“Odori” developed with the rise of New Buddhism, especially during the “Kamakura-jidai Period”.

「振り」は、歌や音楽に合わせて、日常的な動きやしぐさを舞踊として表現するものです。“Furi” expresses daily movements and gestures as dances along with songs and music.

「振り」は、演劇的要素が強く、「江戸時代」に「歌舞伎」や「人形浄瑠璃」の発達にともなって派生しました。“Furi” has a strong theatrical element and was derived in the “Edo-jidai Period” with the development of “Kabuki” and “Ningyō Jōruri”.

The music uses “Shamisen”, “Yoko-bue 横笛 Flute” and “Taiko 太鼓 Drum”.

Oshiroi 白粉 White/Face powder

“Oshiroi 白粉 White powder” is a cosmetic used by actors and women to apply to the face and nape to make the skin look pale.

In Japan, “Oshiroi White powder” was brought from China around the 7th century and made domestic.

Since white lead was used in “Oshiroi White powder”, actors who use it on a daily basis died of lead poisoning.

In 1934 (Shōwa 9), production of “Oshiroi White powder” using lead was banned.

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