From monthly paper Hidankyo - October 1998

Protest the US fourth subcritical nuclear test

The US conducted its fourth subcritical nuclear test on September 26, ignoring voices of the public that called for canceling the test. It is obvious that the test was conducted to maintain its nuclear capability. The US has a plan to conduct four subcritical tests each year by 2005.

According to the press, Russia also has a plan to conduct subcritical tests.

Hidankyo sent letters to both presidents to denounce their nuclear programs that would develop a new nuclear arms race.

On September 29, thirty Hibakusha in the Metropolitan area appealed to protest the US subcritical test in a downtown area of Tokyo. The participants handed leaflets to passersby. Then, they appealed in front of the US embassy.

Prefectural Hidankyo also sent protest letters and the members appealed in each place.

Young people appeal

In the hope of creating the nuclear free 21st century, young people, mainly by high school students, launched a movement for setting up a statue of peace for children.

On September 15, the members and supporters gathered, there, the supporters organized a group to help the movement both physically and spiritually.

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