Fox-1D, PicSat, STEP Cube Lab (STEP-1), INS-1C decoding

Fox-1D voice

Re: Fox-1D voice

Subject: Re: Fox-1D voice
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 07:33:17 +0000
From: Paul Stoetzer, AMSAT-NA Executive Vice President


Thank you for the note. Upon startup, the Fox-1 satellites are in
"Beacon Mode" with transmissions limited to ten seconds prior to
commanding. What you heard was "Fox-1 Delta, Safe" before the ten
second timer expired. If you listen again today, you'll hear her say
the full "Fox-1 Delta, Safe Mode" announcement. When Fox-1D, now AO-92,
is in transponder mode, but without any activity, the beacon message
will be "Hi! This is amateur radio satellite Fox-1 Delta."

The voice is that of Veronica Montiero, the daughter of AMSAT VP
Engineering Anthony Montiero, AA2TX, who was the "founding father" of
the Fox CubeSat program but sadly became an SK in 2014. The original
specifications for the Fox-1 satellites called for a MCW beacon on the
FM carrier, but that was changed to Tony's daughter's voice in his honor.

Paul, N8HM 

On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 02:21 Mineo Wakita wrote:

Hello Paul,
Congratulations Fox-1D Launch!
I received yesterday a YL voice from Fox-1D.

Fox-1D 2018-1-12 11:18 UTC
Voice of a YL -> "Fox-1D ......?"
What is talking about this?

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

Fox Server Leaderboard

PicSat 1k2 BPSK decoded

00:23 UTC, 13 Jan 2018, Replayed image

        Up                Down     Mode                 Nation
Fox-1D  435.350/1267.350  145.880  FM CTCSS 67.0Hz/DUB  USA
PicSat     .              435.525  1200bps BPSK         France
STEP-1     .              437.485  9600bps FSK CW       South Korea

PicSat successfully server_upload




Here is an example of a valid packet in PicSat HP, Amsat-F.

AX.25: a0 92 86 a6 82 a8 e0 a0 92 86 a6 82 a8 65 03 f0 09 01 d0 1a
       00 6c 44 8d 04 88 33 f6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 02 b0 02 b3 07 ca 06 64 05 a8 0d d9 04 28 09 8e
       00 04 00 04 03 1f aa 00 00 00 01 00 02 03 19 00 00 00 00 bd
       bb 63 8c 3f 83 99 45 3c 02 cc fb be 3e b8 3c 3c a9 b2 80 bc
       17 eb d2 3e 32 d0 18 00 00 00 00 00 05 60 fa fc 13 00 b5 51
       70 99 56 00 6a 00 00 00 0c d3
KISS encapsulated:
       c0 00 a0 92 86 a6 82 a8 e0 a0 92 86 a6 82 a8 65 03 f0 09 01
       d0 1a 00 6c 44 8d 04 88 33 f6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 02 b0 02 b3 07 ca 06 64 05 a8 0d d9 04 28
       09 8e 00 04 00 04 03 1f aa 00 00 00 01 00 02 03 19 00 00 00
       00 bd bb 63 8c 3f 83 99 45 3c 02 cc fb be 3e b8 3c 3c a9 b2
       80 bc 17 eb d2 3e 32 d0 18 00 00 00 00 00 05 60 fa fc 13 00
       b5 51 70 99 56 00 6a 00 00 00 0c d3 c0

STEP Cube Lab (STEP-1) received by JA0CAW, 11:18 UTC 12 Jan 2018

INS-1C received by JE9PEL and decoded by JA0CAW
#43116, 1200bps 435.080MHz AFSK, 00:30 UTC 27 Jan 2018



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