

エンタープライズ号は爆発寸前。一方ピカードはネクサス内に。そこでは妻も子供も いて楽園のようです。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Tolian Soran:ドクター

So: Haven't you got anything better to do?

Ge: It must have been that last torpedo. La Forge to Bridge. I've got a problem down here. The magnetic interlocks have been ruptured. I need .... Coolant leak! We have a coolnat leak. Everybody. Let's go. Let's get out of here. Everybody out! Let's move! Let's move! Let's go!
Ge: Bridge, we have a new problem. We've in five minutes from warp-core breach. There's nothing I can do.
R : Deanna, evacuate evryone to the saucer section. Mr. Date, prepare to separate the ship.
Co: Starship separation in five minutes.
? : You're going straight down.
? : Everyone move! We haven't got all day.
Co: Starship separation in four minutes forty-five seconds.
Cr: All right. Let's move him out. Let's go. Take him out, quick.
Ge: Here we go, folks. This way.
Co: Starship separation in four minutes fifteen seconds.
Ge: Farrell!
Fa: Yes?
Ge: There's no one here with these kids. Let's get them to the Jefferies tube. We'll find their parents later.
Co: Starship separation in four minutes.

So: Now, you'll have to excuse me, Captain. I have an apointment with eternity and I don't want to be late.

R : The core breach is accelerating, Geordi. We've got to get out of here.
Ge: That's it, Bridge. We're all out.
Da: One minute to warp core-breach.
R : Begin separation sequence. Full impulse power once we're clear.
Wo: Warp core is going critical.
Da: Separation complete.
De: Engaging impulse engines.
Da: Core breach in progress.
Co: Primary stabilizers off-line. Engaging secondary systems.
R : Report.
De: Helm controls are off-line.
Da: Oh.... Shit!

Ge: Here we go. Right around this corner.
?: Just keep moving.
Fa: Everybody on the bed.
Da: I have rerouted auxiliary power to the lateral thrusters. Attempting to level our descent.
R : All hands, brace for impact!
Ge: Hold on, everybady. Hold on tight.
Cr: Hold their heads.
? : Aah!
? : Ah...
? : Hold on!
? : Oh!
R : Ah!
De: I'm okay.
Wo: Mm.
R : Ah

So: Ah
P : Uh

P: What? What is this? Where am I?
Chs: Surprise!
Ch1: Love you, Father.
Ch2: Were you scared?
Ch3: Look at the tree.
Ch4: I helped decorate it.
Ch?: It took all day.
Ch?: Say merry Christmas, papa.
Ch?: See the presents?
Ch3: I love you, Father.
P: I love you, too.
Mo: Now come on, children. Let's move back and give your father some room. Cup of Earl Grey?
P: That would be perfect.
Re: This one's for you.
P : Oh, thank you very much, Rene.
Re: Merry Christmas, Uncle.
P : A Merry Christmas to you, too.
Mo: Rene, can you help me with the table?
P : Rene, come here. Go help your aunt. This isn't right. This can't be real.
Gu: It's as real as you want it to be.
P : Guinan, what's going on? Why am I here?
Gu: You're in the nexus.
P : This is the nexus?
Gu: For you, this is what you wanted.
P : But, I never had a home like this, or a wife and children. But these are all mine. Guinan, what are you doing here? I thought you were on board the Enterprise.
Gu: I am. I'm also here. Think of me as an echo of the person you know, a part of herself she left behind.
P : When the Enterprise B beamed you up from the Lakul...
Ch2: Papa, help me build my castle.
P : Yes, I will in a few minutes.
Ch4: Papa, thank you for the dolly. She's very beautiful.
P : These are my children. These are my children.
Gu: Of course. Time has no meaning here. So you can go back and see them born or go forward and see your grandchildren.
Mo: Dinner's ready, everyone.
Chs: Yay!
Ch?: Mama....Can I...
Ch1 Dinner's ready, papa. P : Go on. Go on without me.
Guinan, can I leave the nexus? Gu: Where would you go? P : I don't understand.
Gu: Well, as I said, time has no meaning here. So if you leave, you can go anywhere, anytime.
P : All right. I know exactly where I want to go. To the mountaintop on Veridian III, just before Soran destroyed the star. I have to stop him. But, I need help. Now, if you were to come back with me, together....
Gu: I can't leave. I'm there already, remember? But, I bet I know someone who can.

By たけやん
