

ソランはトリチウムの武器と引き換えにネクサスに行きたいわけね。一方、ピカードは ジョーディと交換に人質になることを提案。もっともその前に、惑星に転送される ことを希望してますけど。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Tolian Soran:ドクター

Kl3: Grr!
Lu: Did you get anything from the human?
So: No, his heart just wasn't in it.
Kl3: We have entered the orbit of Veredian III.
So: Prepare to transport me to the surface.
B': Wait! When do we get our payment?
So: Ha, ha, ha.
B': Ha, ha, ha, ha.
So: This contains all the information you'll need to make a trilithium weapon. Hey, it's been coded. Once I'm safely to the surface, I'll transmit the decryption sequence to you. Not before.
K13: Mistress, a federation starship is entering the system.
Lu: What? On viewer.
Kl3: They are hailing us.
B': Du'cha. We're still cloaked. They can't see us.
P : Klingon vessel, we know what you're doing, we will destroy any probe launched toward the Veredian star. We demand that you return our Chief Engineer and leave this system immediately.
So: There's no time for this. Eliminate them.
B': That is a galaxy-class starship. We are no match for them.
So: I think it's time we gave Mr. La Forge his sight back.
B': (Klingon Language)

R : Maybe they're not out there.
P : Maybe they're just trying to decide if a 20 year-old Klingon bird of prey can be a match for the Federation flagship.
De: Perhaps they're on the surface.
Wo: Sir, according to my calculations, say(?), a solar probe launched from either the Klingon ship or the planet's surface will take 11 seconds to reach the sun. However, since we do not have an exact point of origin, and it will take us between 8 and 15 seconds to lock our weapons onto it.
R : It's a pretty big margin of error.
P : Much too big. Mr. Data, how long before the ribbon arrives?
Da: Approximately 47 minutes, sir.
P : I have got to find some way to get to Soran.
Wo: Klingon vessel decloaking directly ahead, sir. They are hailing.
P : On screen.
Lu: Captain, what an unexpected pleasure.
P : Lursa, it is very important that I speak with Soran.
Lu: I'm afraid the Doctor is no longer aboard our ship.
P : Then, I will beam to his location.
B': The doctor values his privacy. He would be quite upset if an armed away team interrupted him.
P : Then I will beam to your ship and you can transport me to Sorn.
R : You can't trust them. For all we know, they killed Geordi. And they might kill you, too.
Lu: We did not harm your engineer. He's been our guest.
R : Then, return him.
B': In exchange for what?
Da: Me, sir.
P : Me. I will be your prisoner. But first, you must beam me to the surface so that I can speak with Soran.
B': The Captain will make a much more valuable hostage.
Lu: We'll consider it a prisoner exchange.
P : Agreed. Have Dr. Crasher meet me in Transporter room 3. You have the Bridge, Number one.
Cr1: Receiving the coordinates, Captain.
P : Energize.

So: Welcome, Captain. You must think I'm quite the madman, hmm?
P : The thought had crossed my mind.
So: I know why you're here. You're not entirely confident that you can shoot down my probe, so you've come to dissuade me from my horrific plan. Uh-uh. Good luck. Now, if you excuse me, Captain, I'm rather busy.
P : Soran. Aah
So: Do be careful, Captain. That's a 50-Gigawatt forcefield. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt.

Kl3: I have established the link.
Lu: Put it on viewer. It's working. The visor's transmitting.
B': Where is he? Ah-uh... Human females are so repulsive.
Cr: ...and some myocardial degeneration. I've removed the nanoprobe, and I think you're going to be fine. I'll need to run some more tests. I'll let you know.
Ce: Thanks, Doc.
Da: Geordi.
Ge: Data. It's okay.
Da: I am sorry I let you down. I am not behaving like myself lately.
Ge: No, Data. You haven't. You've been behaving like a human.

By たけやん
