



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

P: Captain's log stardate 41249.3. We have orbited the two major planets of the Beta Renner system taking aboard delegates from those two worlds. Since achieving space flight, their major life forms, the Anticans and the Selay have become deadly enemies, but both have also applied for admission into our Fedelation. We are to deliver these delegates to this sector's neutral conference planet called Parliament in the hope their dispute can be resolved.

P: I'm Captain Picard, welcome aboard. We hope your journey will be pleasant and comfortable. Arranging that will be my first officer, Commnader Riker.
R: Welcome aboard. If you'll follow me, I'll show you the accommodations that will...
S1: We can already smell the Anticans. They were taken aboard first?
P: Only because their world was first on this heading to Parliament.
S2: Will our quarters be near the Anticans?
R: About one hundred meters apart.
P: Is that all right?
S1: No. Unsatisfactory.
R: I believe we can accommodate your wishes. We will rearrange the suite assignments. If you'll follow me...
S1: And we must be upwind from the Anticans.
R: Of course, sir.
Ta: Neither seem like very promising federation candidates, sir.
P: Even Parliament's peace makers may find this case a little difficult.

P: But do you understand the basis of all this nonsense between them?
R: No, sir. I never understood that sort of hostility even when I studied Earth history.
P: Really? Oh, yes, well, these life forms feel such passionate hatred over matters of custom, god concepts, even strangely enough, economic systems.
Da: Sir, my sensors are picking up an unusual energy object ahead.
P: On screen.
Ta: Confirmed, sir. My sensors read nothing solid, but considerable energy in changing patterns.
Da: Also travelling at warp speed, sir. Intriguing, I can find no match with anything in our records, sir.
P: Change course to make a close sensor pass. We can then increase warp speed and reach Parliament on schedule.
Da: Aye, sir.

By Picard
