
PREV:裁判:人類の野蛮性について NEXT:ウェス、クラッシャー、ジョーディ登場

法廷から、いつのまにかエンタープライズに戻っていた場面です。ここでは ライカーが初めて登場します。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Groppler Zorn:FarPoint Stationの渉外担当

Da: What is present course, Conn?
Co: It's what it's been all along, sir? Direct heading to Farpoint station.
Da: Cofirm we are on that heading, sir.
Co: Do you know anything about Farpoint station, sir. Sounds like a fairly dull place.
P: We've heard that we may find it rather interesting.

R: Personal log, commander Wiliam Riker, stardate 41153.7. The USS Hood has dropped me off at Farpoint station, where I await the arrival of the new USS Enterpirse to which I have been assigned as first officer. Meanwhile I've been asked to visit the Farpoint Administrator's office in the old city.

Gr: Ah, commander Riker. I thought you'd want to know we've still no word from your vessel. I trust we've made your waitng comfortable?
R: Luxurious is more like it.
Gr: Good! Good.
R: Would I seem ungrateful if I asked for information?
Gr: Anything.
R: Fascinatingly the advanced material used in constructing this space station. Your energy surplus must be as abundant as I've heard.
Gr: Geothermal energy is one of the great blessings of this planet. I'll have all detailes of that sent to your quaters.
R: Thank you. But it still seems incredible to me that you could've constructed this station so rapidly and so, so perfectly suited to our needs.
Gr: Would you care for an earth delicacy, commander?
R: Ah, if there's an apple?
Gr: I'm sorry, commander.
R: Oh, it doesn't matter, what I was saying was... I'll be damned.
Gr: Ah, yes. There was another selection, here.
R: Grapple, I could've sworn this wasn't here a minute ago.
Gr: And did your failure to notice it make it unwelcome?
R: Not at all, Grapple.
Gr: I trust it will be the same with Farpoint station, commander. A few easily answered questions about it won't make starfleet appreciate it less.
R: And it's delicious, thank you. Good morning, Grapple Zone.
Gr: Good morning. You have been told not to do that. Why can't you understand? It will arouse their suspicion. And if that happens, we will have to punish you. We will, I promise you.

By Picard

PREV:裁判:人類の野蛮性について NEXT:ウェス、クラッシャー、ジョーディ登場

ウィリアム・ライカー登場。不思議な現象に出会う。これがファーポイント ステーションの謎か?