

ジャラーダとのコンタクトを前にして、ピカード艦長は緊張。その緊張感をほぐすために ホロデッキでディクソン・ヒルになりきって楽しもうというわけです。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)

R: First Officer's log, stardate 41997.7. We are about to make a brief but necessary contact with the Jarada, a reclusive insect-like race known for its idiosyncratic atitude toward protocol. The Jarada demand a precise greeting, in this case, from Captain Picard. Their language is most unusual. The slightest mispronunciation is regarded as an insult.

P: Unless it's followed by...
De: The double bars indicate an elongated 's' sound.
P: And the inverted 't' means to hold the 'z'.
De: Unless?
P: Unless it's followed by three wavy lines, in which case, the 'z' becomes a 'b'.
De: Exactly.
P: Oh, what a language.
De: But, you spell 'knife' with a 'k'.
P: I spell 'knife' with an 'n'. But I never could spell.
De: Well, this is an insect mind, sir.
P: My mind is barely working.
De: Take a break.
P: No, no. I want to go over this again.
De: You could be over-preparing. You've been looking forward to the upgrade of the holodeck. You have the time. Captain, you need the diversion.
P: Dixon Hill.
De: The program's installed and waiting.

Co: Program desired location.
P: Earth, United States, San Francisco, California.
Co: Time period?
P: 1941 A.D.
Co: File or access code?
P: File Dixon Hill, private detective.
Co: Enter when ready.

P: Captain's personal log. I'm entering the ship's holodeck where images of reality can be created by our computer. Highly useful in crew training, highly enjoyable when used for games and recreation.

Se: Very funny, Dix. What did you do? Lose another bet?
P: I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Se: The bellboy suit. Are you moonlighting at the Fairmont?
P: The uniform. Oh. It's totally inappropriate. I should've changed.
Se: Detective Bell, your cop friend MacNary's new partner was here nosing around. And if he'd seen you in those threads, he'd have had you sent to the funny farm. Mr. Leech called twice. And there's a lady named Bradley waiting in your office. Nice legs. Not you, her! Got a hot date with my fella. See you in the morning. Ha, ha, ha.

P: I lost a bet.
Br: Oh, well. At least you're ready for Halloween.
P: Halloween?
Br: I need your help, Mr. Hill. Someone is trying to kill me.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

By たけやん

NEXT: ホロデッキ