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Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)

P: Did you signal the Hood, Commander Riker?
R: Your exact message, "Bon voyage, mon ami"
P: Hum, ha. What was the reply, computer?
Q: You are wasting time, Captain. Or did you think I was gone?
P: Lieutenant! You intend to blast a hole in the viewer? If the purpose of this is to test humans, your honor, we must proceed in our own way.
Q: You're dilatory. You have twenty four hours. Any further delay, and you will risk summary judgement against you, Captain.
W: Sorry, sir.
R: You reacted fast, Mr. Worf.
P: But futilely.
W: I will learn to do better, sir.
P: Of course, you will. We have a long voyage ahead of us.
R: What do we do now, Captain, with them monitoring our every move and every word?
P: We do exactly what we'd do if this Q never existed. If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are.

P: Personal log, stardate, 41153.8. Of the twenty four hours, Q allotted us to prove ourselves. Eleven have now passed without incident. And yet I cannot forget Q's prediction that we will face some critical test.
R: This planet's interior heat povides abundant geothermal energy. But it's about all this world does offer.
P: And it's your belief that this is what made it possible for them to construct this base to starfleet standards?
R: Yes,sir. We have to assume they've been trading their surplus energy for construction materials used here. Acoording to our ship's scans, many of the materials used are not found on this world.
P: Perhaps it's like those incidents you describe in your report as almost magical attempts to please us.
R: Those events did happen, sir.
P: None of it suggests anything threatening, if only every life form has as much desire to please. Ready to beam down? I'm looking forward to meeting this Groppler Zorn.
R: I have a feeling there's more to it than just trying to please us.
P: As if it's something Q is doing to trick us? Over here. I've asked the Councelar to join us in this meeting. May I introduce There's a new first officer Commander William Riker. Commander Riker, this is our ship's counselor, Deanna Troi.
De: (Do you remember what I taught you, Imzadi? Can you still sense my thoughts?) A pleasure, Commander.
R: Likewise, Counselor.
P: Have the two of you met before?
R: We have, sir.
P: Excellent. I consider it important for my key officers to know each other's abilities.
De: We do, sir.(We do. I, too, could never say good bye, Imzadi)

By Picard

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ライカーとトロイはかなり深い仲だったようです。もっともこの二人将来はいい友人 になり、トロイは意外なことに???と恋仲になるとは、想像もできませんね。

2001/02/07 10:35:58;aa8y-nkym;RETR;ok;/freeaddr/yasunao/picard/tng/tng11.htm