
時事英語に戻る   洋書の部屋   気になる表現 2004年


☆Happy Policeman by Patricia Anthony から
  1. "Shit's gonna hit the fan, DeWitt. Man. Oh, man. I need some." Curtis looked up fast. "You want a little?" The shit was going to hit the fan. And there was nothing Dewitt could do about it. (P13) hit the fan:大騒動になる

☆Conscience of the Beagle by Patricia Anthony から
  1. "Did Colonel Yi tell you to call me that?" The question brings me up short. (P46) bring someone up short :(人)を立ち止まらせる

☆Brother Termite by Patricia Anthony から
  1. Reen steeled himself for the answer. All morning he had been haunted by Marian's puzzling anger. He had always believed she was intelligent, but females, after all, were females. Perhaps her intelligence was as much of a house of cards as his own. (P29) house of cards: 砂上の楼閣

☆Survivor in Death by J.D.Robb から
  1. Besides, like they gave a woo. The whole deal meant Mom--the Rule Monster--bent the rules about school nights. Even if they'd had to turn the lights out at nine-thirty--were they two?--she and Linnie had the most magolicious time. (P1) ネットで検索してもそれほどヒットしません。文脈から想像するしか ないです。

☆The Ring of Charon by Roger MacBride Allen から
  1. Larry was twenty-five, and starting to feel a bit long in the tooth for boy wonder. He looked younger than his age, and the Chinese half of his ancestry showed in his face far more than the Irish half. (P7) long in the tooth :年を取った
  2. Hiram McGillicutty was the staff physicist of the Venus Initial Station for Operational Research. Most days, that job made McGillicutty as useful as a parachute on a fish. (P97)

☆The Challenge by Susan Kearney から
  1. Special Agent Tessa Camen recognized the voice of a local cop, Officer Davis, the one she'd dressed down yesterday for his careless attitude, now talking about her career as if he had a clue about PPD, Presidential Protective Detail. (P1) dress down:叱りつける

☆The Vampire's Assistant by Darren Shan から
  1. "Of course you are," he insisted. "What is a hero but a person who lays everything on the line for the good of somebody else?"(P75) lay everything on the line :すべてを賭ける
  2. Before I could put the hat on, she made me sit down, got a pair of scissors and gave me a haircut, which I badly needed. The haircut and hat were the icing on the cake. I almost didn't recognize myself in the mirror when I looked this time. (P122) icing on the cake:添え物

☆The Patient by Michael Palmer から
  1. 'Tomorrow's going to be tough,' Jessie began. Sara's eyes held none of their usual playfulness. 'I'm running out of steam, Jess.' 'I know you are. I would have cracked long ago. You've been a titan. Everyone around here has gotten stronger from watching the way you've handled things--especially me.' (P26) run out of steam: 精力を使い果たす

☆Murder List by Julie Garwood から
  1. The tapping increased. "There's no need to be nervous," he said. "I'm not nervous." It was a lie, and he knew it. Then she realized she was jiggling the table with her knee, making a racket with her foot. (P188) make a racket:大騒ぎをする、
  2. "Is everything okay?" he asked, knowing full well it wasn't. "Yes," she said. "Everything's fine." He leaned to the side to look behind her. "What are you looking for?" she asked. "I just wanted to see if your pants were on fire. You know," he drawled. "'Liar, liar ...'"(P215) Liar, liar, pants on fire:「うそつき、うそつき、尻に火がつき」という 子供が使うはやし言葉
  3. In the evenings, Regan and Henry and Alec changed into running clothes and worked out together in the gym. Alec beat the socks off her and Henry on the track. He was in much better shape than she was and gleefully pointed that out, several times as a matter of fact.(P236) beat the socks off: 靴下が勢いよく脱げるほどびっくりさせる
  4. "Not yet. You're gorgeous. You've got a face and body Sophie and I would die to have, and I swear that if you weren't my best friend, I'd have to hate you. Your brothers, especially Aiden, have done a real number on you to keep you in line." (P279) do a number on: 虐待する
  5. "When I found out what some of the kids were calling me, I cried," she said. "But that was when I was in school. I got over it." "Regan wears her heart on her sleeve." (P289) wear one's heart on one's sleeve: 感情を露骨に表す
  6. "Are you still sick?" He sounded suspicious, as though she were trying to pull a fast one by getting out of bed too soon. (P364) pull a fast one:(人)をだます

☆Visions in Death by J.D. Robb から
  1. She ran a hand over her face and made an obvious effort to settle. "She was qualified, of course, but we just hit it off right away. If I were to hire someone who'd live in my house, be a part of my household, I wanted it to be someone I was comfortable with, on a personal level. (P18) hit it off: 相性が良い

☆The List by Steve Martini から
  1. 'Don't get mad. That's business. You gave him a price,' said Jack. 'His house, his soul, and his first born. As soon s Carla rubs his ego down they'll be back. You gotta think there's one rule in the Jungle. We come and go. The agents live in the sandbox with the publishers. The writer's always the odd man out. Still, she brought you the deal. You couldn't have gotten here without her.' (P250) odd man out :仲間外れ
  2. He thought he knew his former wife, but the episode with his credit card had showed him that he didn't know her as well as he thought. The Abby he was married to would never have had the sand to take his credit care, or to use it.(P311) sand: 勇気
  3. 'I'm here. Everybody in the place knows my name,' she told him. 'The woman with the flashy little car.' 'Have you driven it?' 'Not yet.' 'They're a kick in the ass,' said Spencer. 'I tried one at a dealership here in town before I ordered yours. Stop on a dime, turn on a nickel,' said Spencer. (P365) on a dime :狭い場所で、という意味があるので、小回りがきくという意味 かな?

☆The Burning Man by Phillip Margolin から
  1. Mentally handicapped kids have feelings like everyone else, but they have a harder time controlling them. They sort of wear their heart on their sleeves. I remember Gary being in tears while the coarches attended to this kid. (P275) wear one's heart on one's sleeves: 感情を露骨に表す

☆Take a Chance on Me by Susan Donovan から
  1. "Not much at this point, but we're still looking. If Slick went to the clubs, nobody's saying. If he had any significant others, they're being real discreet." "My God," Chick said. "Can you imagine how many customers he would have lost if it got out that he was light in the loafers?" (P76) light in the loafers: homosexual, gay
  2. "I wouldn't give you a dime if I were the richest woman on earth" God, Aaron, thanks to you, I'm barely keeping the clinic doors open! I can't believe you've got the gonads to come out here and ask me to bail you out again!"(P86) get the gonads:勇気がある(?)have the nerveと似たような使い方か?

☆Axe by Ed McBain から
  1. They were hopeful, you see, that the lab would find some fingerprints on the weapon, thereby enabling them to solve the case almost before the crime was severao hours old. Some days, though, you can't make a nickel.(P18)