Kabaya PD type Transformers
PDTF gum story 7 Super Jinrai


Super Jinrai* (Optimus Prime(Powermaster)) memo:

He appears in "Transformer Masterforce" as the leader of Autobots.

In Japan, he is a different person from Optimus Prime.

simple translation:

Super Jinrai*: OverLord!

Do you want to get my attack by my super soul power?

OverLoad: Good, Jinrai!!


Super Jinrai: This is the super soul of human being!



Super Jinrai: This is the super soul of the ground!



Super Jinrai: And, this is the super soul of the sky!



OverLoad: Ooh!?


Super Jinrai: I was struck by lightning....


OverLoad: Yes, it's a bad weather...



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