MP3 ID3 Tag Protocal Definition

Note: I do not 'own' nor want to own this tag format, its something I created
for myself that other people attached to. In this regard, this information is
for free of use for other playlist makers who want real info with their songs
and a standard specification. In other words you do not have to ask me permission
to use this information. I beleive in freedom of information, in this way it promotes
growth of other quality playlist makers and continues to 'up' the anty for what a
playlist maker should have with every release from other great playlist makers.
(Just remember ID3 was the first! =), even though it did suck! )

MP3 ID3 Tag 1.0 -- 128 bytes
(c) 1996, 1997 NamkraD (Eric Kemp)
Seek end of file, then -128, if first 3 bytes='TAG' then it has info layed
out as follows...

0..2 == 'TAG' (3 Bytes)
3..32 == Song Name (30 bytes)
33..62 == Artist (30 Bytes)
63..92 == Album Name (30 Bytes)
93..96 == Year (4 Bytes)
97..126 == Comment (30 Bytes)
127 == 1 Byte Song Genre Identifier
(get the listing of song Genre Types to know what byte = what)

New Genres will be added when Studio 3 v1.1 is released!

Please send mail, comments and suggestions to NamkraD/Eric Kemp . This site is best viewed using Netscape Navigator 3.x+