

A table, including at least one column, is required for a graph. You can import a text file, paste table data from other spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel and Numbers), or type each value manually. ScatterMaker supports only text files for table data. CSV files (comma-delimited text file) , tab-delimited text files can be imported. ScatterMaker recognize the first row as a title row. Each title must be unique. If your file includes duplicated titles, ScatterMaker will fix duplicates automatically.

Make a table

To import a table, execute "Import Table" menu item in "File" menu item. You can paste a table from other spreadsheet applications. A table will be inserted from the selected cell. If no cell is selected, a table will be inserted the cell (1, 1). When the selected cell is in the first row, the first row of the coming table will be recognized as a title row. Otherwise, scatterMaker will make a title row automatically.

If you double-click a cell and paste a table, all texts will be pasted into the cell. You must select a cell, never double-click a cell for importing or pasting a table.

After editting a table, return to "Configure View" to make your own graphs.