【台湾到着/kau3 Tai5-oan5/arrival in Taiwan】

Written by Japanese, English, Church Romanization, {TMSS} and Chinese Character.

(観光案内所で/ti7 koan-kong hok8-bu7-tiong-sim/at the information center)

  1. すみませんが、銀行はどこですか。
    Excuse me, where is the bank?

    ChhiaN2-mng7, gin5-hang5 ti7 to2-ui7?
    {Chviafmng, ginhaang ti tøfui?}

    cf: gin5/gun5-hang5
    (a)公衆電話 (b)トイレ (c)バス、タクシー乗り場
    (a)public telephone (b)rest room (c)bus/taxi stop
    (a)kong-kiong7-tian7-oe7 (b)pian7-sou2 (c)kong-chhia/ke3-theng5-chhia-cham7
    {(a)kongkiong-tiexn'oe (b)piexnsor (c)kongchiaf/keathengchiaf-zam}
    (a)公共電話 (b)便所 (c)公車、計程車站

  2. ガイドブックはありますか。
    Do you have a guide book?

    Li2 u7 koan-kong chi2-lam5 bo5?
    {Lie u koankofng-cylaam,bøo?}

    cf: koan-kong chi2-lam5/koan-kong te7-khu e5 chu/chheh(観光地区e書(册))

  3. 西門町付近のホテルを予約したいのですが。
    I would like to reserve a hotel near Se-mng-teng.

    Goa2 siuN7-beh teng7 Se-mng5-teng hu7-kin7 e5 png7-tiam3.
    {Goar sviuxbøeq teng Se'mngtefng-fuxkin ee pngxtiaxm.}

    cf: hu7-kin7/kun7

(銀行で/ti7 gin5-hang5/at the bank)

  1. 両替をしたいのですが。
    I would like to exchange money.

    Goa2 siuN7-beh oaN7 chiN5.
    {Goar sviuxbøeq voa cvii.}

  2. この1000元を100元札10枚に両替して下さい。
    Please exchage this 1000NT for 10,100NT bills.

    ChhiaN2 ka7 chit tiuN chit8 chheng khou oaN7-cho3 chap8 tiuN chit8 pah khou e5.
    {Chviar ka cittviw cidzhefng-khof voaxzøx zabtviw cidpaq-khof ee.}

(バスターミナルで/ti7 kong-chhia-chham7/at the bus terminal)

  1. 台中までの切符を買いたいのですが。
    I would like a ticket to Tai-tiong.

    Goa2 siuN7-beh be2 kau3 Tai5-tiong e5 phio3.
    {Goar sviuxbøeq bøea kaux Taitiofng ee phiøx.}

    cf: be2/boe2, phio3/chhia-phio3(車票)

  2. 台中までの切符を一枚下さい。
    One ticket to Tai-tiong.

    Kau3 Tai5-tiong e5 phio3,chit8 tiuN.
    {Kaux Taitiofng ee phiøx, cid'tviw.}

  3. 台中までいくらですか。
    How much is it to Tai-tiong?

    Kau3 Tai5-tiong tioh8-ai3 joa7-che7-chiN5?
    {Kaux Taitiofng tiøqaix joaxzøex'cvii?}

    cf: tioh8-ai3/ai3/tioh8
    cf: joa7/loa7/goa5, che7/choe7

  4. 台中まで時間はどれくらいかかりますか。
    How long does it take to Tai-tiong?

    Kau3 Tai5-tiong tioh8-ai3 joa7-ku2?
    {Kaux Taitiofng tiøqaix joaxkuo?}

    cf: tioh8-ai3/ai3/tioh8

  5. 次の台中行きのバスは何時に出発しますか。
    What time does next bus to Tai-tiong leave?

    Au7-pang e5 chhia kau3 Tai5-tiong kui2-tiam2 beh(e7) khui?
    {Auxpafng, bøeq khix Taitiofng ee chiaf, kuytiarm bøeq( øe ) khuy?}

Special thanks for Prof.Liim Keahioong's kind help and advices on TMSS.
(Oct.02.2001 ver.1.2)