"Math. in Art"

Clicking "Math. in Art", we can view works by students.
Though some images in these works are used without permission, thse works are not for sale and will be used only for models of reccomended works of the workshop class "Math. in Art" given at Yokohama National Unicersity.

Any claims concerning copyrights should be e-mailed to me.

In the workshop class "Math. in Arts" in which above works were submitted, students had to clear several processes (including very hard processes). The following is the list of processes.

  1. Choose one work in 1997, May-June "Topic Physics & Math." of Internet Ray Tracing Competition (IRTC) . You should choose a work which seemes to visualize mathematics. Note that different groups should choose different works.
  2. Translate description and comments of the work in Japanese.
  3. Investigate mathematics which you think is visualized by the work.
  4. Investigate mathematics which you think is used for creating the work. Rendering the source file might be necessary.
  5. Look for a famous artistic work which you think resembles your chosen work, and explain how it resembles the work.
  6. Send a fan-mail to the creator. You have to include the above 3 in your fan-mail.
  7. You must obtain a reply-mail of 6. If you fail to obtain it, go to 1.
  8. Create your work(should be html files) by arranging 2 to 6. You must include a reply-mail from the creator. And also, you must create both of a Japanese work and an English work.
  9. Give a presentation by using the above html files.
  10. Uproad your work to Multimedia Culture Studies(MMCS) Student Server.

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