Chapter 507 "Christmas Trees" Original Air Date 12/14/03

It was three weeks till Christmas and Reese was holding off on hitting Dewey until then ? you know, just in case. Also, Dad found out he was getting no pay over the holiday. So he went into business selling Christmas trees or something. Reese and I decided to help out and go into business with him so we could have money for a real Christmas this year.

So we got to work and Dad was so thrilled to have the whole family working together for a nice holiday. But he was also freaking out that we might blow it. Our biggest competition was the local church. I canft believe they tried to undersell us! So we dropped our price even lower and got down to business.

The church came over and tried to muscle us out. They postured like they were doing gods work with Christmas tree selling. So they sent a bunch of bums down to our lot to scare the customers away ? very holy. Well, our family doesnft go down that easy. We were going to war against the church.

Well, we decided to move our operation home. Unfortunately, the cops came and shut us down. Dad was still holding out for a Christmas miracle though. So we took the trees inside and waited for the Christmas miracle to happen. We sold just enough trees to turn a profit. Well a profit of 25 cents is still a profit. And we still have 40 trees as assets!