Chapter 502 "Watching the Baby" Original Air Date 11/09/03

So we had to make dinner because apparently mom doesnft sleep well with the new baby. Dad put us in charge of Jamie and all other house duties. It totally sucks, but I guess thatfs the price you have to pay for parental promiscuity.

Suddenly, out of the blue, this trio of totally hot chicks came over to our house and asked me, Reese and Stevie out on a date. Now it was suspect. But who are we to refuse three hot chicks!?

Oh, and did I mention they had a stretch SUV limo? No? Oh, well they had A STRETCH SUV LIMO! So much for watching the baby. Good thing Dewey is around.

So it turns out that these girls were going to a Fall Formal and they were left by their boyfriends. So they wanted pay back ? wait, there was a FALL FORMAL? Are we the only people in school totally out of the loop?!

So wefre being used, by totally hot chicks to get back at their boyfriends. Except they wanted to find 3 disgusting guys in which to do this, so they picked us. Well, I for one have entirely too much pride.

Reese on the other hand? Well he deduced (my word, not his) that itfs better to be known for getting our asses kicked by these girlsf boyfriends than to live in total high school obscurity, which is where we all currently reside. I still wanted out though.

At the moment of truth, we ditched the women when Reese realized how much we were needed back at home when he found Jamiefs pacifier in his pocket. So, just as Jamie was sleeping, dad came crashing into the house and woke mom and Jamie up.

So what did we do? Took everyone on a nice night time drive in the old family limo. Well, that wrapped up nicely didnft it?