Chapter 420 "Baby Part 2" Original Air Date 05/18/03

So a quick recap. Mom and Dad decided to induce labor on Deweyfs birthday ? without even realizing. Then Dad got busted at the mall and held by security. Then, Mom started going into labor at home putting Dad in big trouble with Mom.

Okay, so we finally got out of security at the mall and were heading home. But what happens? Dad gets in a wreck. Hurts his neck and gets hospitalized. So wefre stuck at the hospital while Momfs at home giving birth. Yeah, that sounds about par for the course.

Dadfs all hopped up on pain meds, so we decided to take a class that was being offered at the hospital. The class was all about child care for newborns. You know what we realized? Mom and Dad didnft do any of this stuff! All the coddling and caring for. Ridiculous! Well, we werenft going to let them ruin another life. So we decided to learn everything we could.

Back at home, Francis ? thatfs right ? Francis was delivering Momfs baby! As if his nightmares werenft bad enough already. I think he and Mom probably bonded over it though, so things might turn out a little better. Can you imagine though, having to not just see your Momfs, uh, thing, but having to put your hands in there!!!!

A moment of silence if you pleasec