Chapter 419 "Baby Part 1" Original Air Date 05/11/03

Okay, I think I need to break down what exactly is happening in our house right now. Mom is 8 months pregnant. Dad is flipping out. Dewey is bitter that hefll get less attention than ever. Francis and Piama came home to help Mom. AND ? Grandma showed up at the last minute. So not a whole lot, right?

All right, youfre caught up now with the basics. At the same time, I got a letter in the mail from the best prep school in the world. They accepted me without even applying. And itfs in London. Of course we canft afford it, but theyfre even giving me a full ride. I figured with me gone on the prep schoolfs dime, Mom and Dad would have less of a financial burden, right?

I ran this by Dad but he wouldnft have any of it. He told me that without me in the house, the whole place would fall down. Sure that makes me feel important, but honestly, therefs not enough money to go around so itfll be really interesting to see how it all pans out.

Meanwhile, Mom and Dad decided to induce labor. The funny part of it though was they decided to do it on Deweyfs birthday. Classic! So Dewey totally flips out and causes a whole scene at this bridal expo that Dad dragged us to.

Okay ? are you still with me? Well, while Dad is getting berated in public, Mom evidently went into labor back home. The only problem was Reese. He got into trouble at the expo and we were chased out by the cops. We got into the car in the nick of time but Dad gave Reese the keys ? why? Because everyone in my family is an idiot!

Anyway, therefs too much to write so stay tuned because when all is said and done, I promise it wonft be boringc