Chapter 416 "Garage Sale" Original Air Date 04/06/03

Well, the long wait is finally over. Mom is back. We only had a little bit of house cleaning to attend to ? like filling up the HUGE hole that dad put in the wall in his bedroom.

So Mom wasnft even mad, in fact, everything we glued, taped, and roped back together went totally unnoticed. She was just happy to be home. Well, with the slight exception of having to pay $800 for the hole in the bedroom. I suggested we have a garage sale, but then this weird thing happened. She credited Reese with the idea and put him in charge of it. Yeah, thatfll work.

I canft believe it though, Mom gave him total authority to do whatever he wanted. Hefs such and idiot, but I had to listen to everything he said. But not to worry, I had a plan. Luckily I found this old computer in the garage, which happened to be one of the first desktops ever made and was in mint condition. So what did I do? I called Craig.

Craig offered me $1300 for the thing, but I told him he needed to buy it at the garage sale in front of everyone to show that I was right and smarter and could handle the family problems much better than my mentall challenged brother.

On the day of the sale, I was prepared. I even gave Craig a script to read in front of Mom while buying the computer. So everything was going as planned, everything until Dad dragged Craig away so he could continue to broadcast his illegal radio show hefs been running from our backyard.

Reese than broke the computer over his knee, which finally sparked Mom into action, realizing how stupid Reese is and giving him the responsibility for the sale was the worst idea ever. Oh yeah, and Dewey sold all our furniture while no one was looking.

I love being proved right, I just wish I didnft have to sleep on the floor to bask in it.