Chapter 415 "Halfs Friend" Original Air Date 03/30/03

Wefre finally in a good rhythm at home with Mom being gone. Itfs really easy ? paper goods only to avoid any dishwashing of any kind. Works out pretty well actually.

So Stevie and I are supposed to be going to Dabneyfs later for his birthday party. The only problem is that his mother is worse than mine. Well, not just worse, different worse. Mom yells at us but Dabneyfs mother is psycho overprotective and has forced Dabney into a shell. Itfs weird.

At his party, (which was just Stevie and I) Dabney started opening his presents. He got the coolest paint ball gun! But his mother took it away and made him brush her hair. Okay, this is strange. We needed to get Dabney out of that house.

We grabbed him and took him to a paint ball course. He FINALLY broke out. After getting shot over and over and over, he cracked and started firing his gun violently and screaming profanity at his mother. It was awesome!

Even when his mother came to take him back, he didnft back down. He actually stood up to her. Except it got even stranger when she liked it. Something very bizarre is happening in that house, and Ifd like to leave it at that. At least Dabney stood up for himself ? thatfs really all I can ask for.