Chapter 414 "Stereo Store" Original Air Date 03/16/03

Because Momfs out of the house, Dad was forced to get a second job. Thatfs right, we had the place all to ourselves. Well, almost. Dad hired a babysitter. Donft you think wefre a little too old for that? Honestly, whatfs the normal age to stop being babysat? 12? 13? Herefs the worst part though, he hired this girl from my class, Jessica. Reese and I are both older than she is!

So I figured things wouldnft be too bad, that was until she started taking control of the house. Somehow she had Reese and Dewey at her beck and call within minutes. Granted, theyfre easy ? but shefs good.

Well that crap doesnft work on me. She canft manipulate someone smarter than her. It wonft work! So later than night, when we were in bed at 8:30, we decided it was time to strike back.

The plan was in effect, we were going in with a multi-pronged attack. We had the technology and the know how. Well, being in bed that night at 7:30, was definitely the last straw.

It wasnft fair though. She was blackmailing us. Now that shefs been in our house, she knew all our secrets and using them against us to get her way! Wefre the only ones in this house who are allowed to do that!

So we sent in our secret weapon: Dewey. It was great, he went downstairs, did the crying routine, pretended to fall asleep in her lap and absorbed all her secrets while her friends were over. It worked like a charm.

Reese and I were back and ready to go party. We told her wefd use all her secrets against her and won. We won. Just as we were leaving though, she started crying. Reese got out, but I was stuck. Stop crying! Please stop!

Two hours later, Dad and Reese came home ? both from the party? I had totally lost track of time, Dad told Jessica he didnft need her anymore and I missed the party. Wait, does that mean she won? But, Ifm too smart. I donft understandcYou know what, Ifm too tired to think about it.