Chapter 413 "Kicked Out" Original Air Date 03/09/03

So with Mom out of the house, you might say things have turned a little ugly. And though Craig was around to help Dad, without the threat of Mom, the house was officially ours.

Dad finally dropped the gauntlet though. He totally lost it, ranting and raving. Of course I took this opportunity to sneak out and see Nikki. Itfs nice having that support, someone to talk to about all my problems. Shefs a good listener.

Sneaking back in however, well, letfs just say thatfs where things took a turn for the worse. Dad caught me and we got into this HUGE fight. He yelled, I yelled back. I even accused him of not being able to keep the house together. So when he said gwhy donft I just leave,h I called his bluff and left!

Of course I didnft expect him to actually keep the door locked and not come back for me. Yeah, that was a minor setback. I then went to Nikkifs and she hid me in her attic. To make matters worse though, evidently Ifve been neglecting to listen to Nikkifs problems while Ifve been talking non stop about mine. She lost it and broke up with me! Ifm living in her attic and she broke up with me!

Well, I totally lost it then. I realized that I was insensitive and annoying and selfish. I can change! Just give me a chance to change! I guess But after crashing through the floor of the attic, getting caught by Nikkifs dad and being dragged back home, I figure with the amount of time I'll be grounded for, Ifll be sane and normal in about 2 years!