Chapter 407 "Grandma Sues" Original Air Date 02/02/03

Can you guess where Ifm writing this journal from right now? No really, go ahead and guess. Because if you said my bedroom, closet, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, parents room, or any other place inside the house, youfd be wrong. No, Ifm writing this from my new room, the tent out in the yard.

Why am I in a tent? Well, Francis, Piama and Grandma are all in town staying at the house, so naturally I get the shaft. So herefs what happens when you live in a tent. Youfre never told about meals, family excursions, more meals, news, etc. I may as well be in Antarctica!

Basically, all we needed to do was get Grandma to finally leave. Of course everyone was on board with that. But just as she was out the front door, she slipped on some leaves and broke stuff. I didnft ask what because frankly I didnft care. All it meant was that she had to stay longer!

So I couldnft really take it anymore, and to make matters worse, Francis kicked me out of the tent so he and Piama could have some galoneh time. GRRR!!!

I totally lost it. I broke into the house and started yelling at everyone. Of course little did I know that everyone had some problems of their own. Grandma was suing Mom and Dad, and Momfs pregnant. PREGNANT!!!

Well, in light of current news, Ifm happy to stay outside, but when Grandma found out we had no insurance any longer, she dropped the suit and was quickly ushered out the door. Once I change the sheets, that bed is mine!