Chapter 406 "Forwards Backwards" Original Air Date 12/01/02

For my birthday this year, all I wanted was a couple extra bucks so I could finally buy a laptop computer. I was close, I had all my money hidden away in a book (obviously where no one would look) and I was poised to receive my birthday bounty.

It seems though, that every year around birthday time, Reese and I are embroiled in a fight of some kind. Well this year, it was worse than ever. I taped Reesefs face while he was weight-lifting and then he gave me a black eye. Mom gave us a final warning, but even that didnft stop us.

The black eye was unacceptable so I glued his arm to his forehead. Of course he then stuffed a fire extinguisher down my pants. It got worse and worse. But this was one time I was simply not going to back down. There were blowhorns, embarrassing pictures, wedgies, noogies, public humiliation, short-sheets, etc.

The last straw however, came when Reese stole my computer money. That was it, I couldnft take it anymore. We finally squared off in a dangerous game of go-kart chicken. Ifm not really sure there was a clear-cut winner. I do know that we both ended up in the hospital.

I guess in the end we realized that neither of us has had a birthday where we werenft grounded. When you think about it, itfs kind of sad. But to be totally honest, revenge is sooo much sweeter!