Chapter 405 "Forbidden Girlfriend" Original Air Date 12/15/02

So Ifm getting punished, again, only this time Mom is forcing me to use my brain. Ifve had to start tutoring kids at school. Sure you meet lots of people, but theyfre all idiots, morons, dweebs, freaks, spazzes, etc. Itfs like torture.

Well, it was torture until I met Nikki. Okay, pretend itfs a bad B-movie and the nerdy tutoring guy goes to a house only to find this totally oversexed hot girl who likes brainy guys. Yeah, I KNOW!

There was only one small detail. It seems that her ex-G.I. Dad hates me and thinks Ifm a terrible influence on his daughter. Me?! What did I ever do? Shefs the one who wants to ditch class to make-out. Believe me though, itfs totally worth it.

So we had to sneak around a little. No big deal, Nikki is hot! Well, then her dad called Mom. And then Mom forbid me from seeing her too. Can I just say that all this sneaking around, albeit a big turn-on, is really a big pain in the butt.

Finally, I couldnft take it anymore. I had to tell Nikki that simply fooling around wasnft good enough for a lasting relationship. But we both realized, we actually liked each other. We had a lot in common, and she even puts up with my complaining (the angel on the left side of my shoulder says to keep her).

Well, thatfs good enough for me. If I can find one cute girl who can put up with me with all my idiosyncrasies, I guess it must be lovecright? Screw it if itfs forbidden!