Chapter 403 "Family Reunion" Original Air Date 11/17/02

All right, so wefve never really been close with Dadfs side of the family. Therefs a couple reasons: First, Dad canft stand them. Second, they all hate Mom. It sucks though because Grandpa is totally rich and if we play our cards right, big inheritance coming our wayca boy can dream canft he?

Anyway, itfs Grandpafs birthday and we got the call to join the family at his place for a reunion of sorts. Reese immediately went into, gmilk Grandpa for all hefs worthh strategic planning mode. Canft say I blame him, I mean, Grandpafs really rich.

When we got there, the family immediately started picking on Mom. Of course we didnft mind because it kept her attention away from us ? always a positive. Why donft we visit them more often again?
Grandpa is great. Hefs always laughing, joking, life of the party. He even took me to see all his Civil War Memorabilia, which is cool, but I think I feigned more interest in hope of that inheritance money. Shameless, I know. I will say this though, no money is worth me having to dress in Civil War fatigues and reenact battles with the man. Give me some credit, my hypocrisy has limits.

All in all, it wasnft a bad trip, that was until the family set Mom up so she wasnft in the family photo. She finally lost it. All the picking on really got to her and she locked herself in the bathroom, crying. So we decided to do what any self respecting family would docget revenge.

Basically, for all the teasing, abuse, picking on that Mom received, we in turn decided to ruin the entire party by driving a golf cart through the party table, trample the cake and then launch into the pool. That was probably the sweetest thing wefve done in awhile and it was for a good cause!

So much for that inheritance, but at least we took care of our own, which may come back to us with Mom being a little nicercwait, who am I kidding?