Chapter 321 "Clip Show" Original Air Date 4/28/02

Time to start the week off with another tale of us getting blamed for something we didn't even do. This time though, Dad accused us of wrecking the car. Granted, if history tells us anything, when senseless damage happens to valuable items owned by our parents, good rule of thumb is that one of us did somethingcbut this time we didn't!

Regardless, we were punished. Our sentence: therapy! Dad actually dragged us to see this shrink where we can discuss our feelings and ultimately get blamed for stuff our parents don't even know about yet. Whatever, it's not like he was going to find anything - we're totally normal kids. WE ARE!

So he started poking and probing into our inner psyches to figure out whether we did in fact crash the car. This brought out tons of suppressed stuff. Actually, it was kind of cool to see how Dewey and Reese's brains work. As the little things bring out bigger issues and so on and so on. Obviously it doesn't work on me, but neat none-the-less.

The only real problem I encountered from the session was I realized that I really don't fit in with the family. Reese has his brutish, fall-guy thing. Dewey has the pseudo-cute thing. Francis gets the first child as a result we can't do anything, thing. But what was I? Where was my place?

It turns out, and this is really nice actually, that my brothers look to me as the ringleader of the group. The strategist if you will. Of course that brought us right back to me masterminding the demise of the carcWE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

So here's the best part. Right as this happens, we see Dad's car take off with nobody in it. He forgot to put on the parking break - as usual! So it turned out to be a big mistake and we didn't crash the car. So, no harm, no foul, no blame, and a slight epiphany. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good week.