Chapter 320 "Jury Duty" Original Air Date 05/01/01

Ah, Spring Break. Are there any two words that ring sweeter to our ears? One full week of no school, no hassles, no problems, nothing. In our family, we have a little Spring Break tradition. It started when Francis would take Reese and I into the sewers. We decided it was time to initiate Dewey.

There was a crux to our plan though. Before we even got started, Reese and I were over at Stevie's and we totally saw his mom naked! Buck naked! And you know what? She's actually a total babe. Sure there was some screaming, maybe a little crying, but ultimately, an experience we'll never forget. Hmm.

Back to the sewers. So we went to our usual spot with plan in hand: take Dewey in, scare the crap out of him with our snake, get out with a new story and scar our little brother for life. It was a fine plan! That was until we got lost.

Did you ever notice that when faced with seemingly hopeless situations, people really seem to open up? For instance, did you know Reese writes poetry? We also kind of sort of realized that all our girl problems are pretty much our own faults. We were blaming them for everything, but ultimately, it was our own insecurities that created the difficulty.

I know, it's soft. And here's the kicker. In the end, when we scared ourselves with the prank, finally figured out a way out of the sewer, there were three girls there, just waiting to make fun of us. So much for those new theoriesc