Chapter 318 "Dewey's Dog" Original Air Date 4/07/02

Okay, it's true. Reese and I do torment and torture Dewey a lot. But it's just normal brother stuff. Francis did it to Reese. Reese did it to me. And now, because Reese can't help himself, we both do it to Dewey. It's just natural selection. The way it goes.

Of course Dewey gets the short end of the stick. No brother of his own to boss around. I guess you could say that when he found a dog, and we were going to torture him with the knowledge and whether to tell Mom and Dad about it, it was Karmic that it came back to haunt us.

Dewey trained the stupid dog to protect him! We couldn't believe it. So Dewey enacted his revenge. He made us wear dresses and make-up while singing songs about how he's the "best brother in the world." He's young, so clearly he wasn't looking at the bigger picture of the beatings he'd be receiving for the next 10 years of his life!

Oh, I almost forgot. Craig came over and Dewey took him hostage too. Of course, that was all Reese and I needed to get our window of opportunity back. We stuck the dog on Craig and had Dewey all to ourselves. We felt it was only fitting, having a dog and all, that Dewey should know exactly what being a dog truly feels like. I think licking the floors was my favoritec