Chapter 317 "Cliques" Original Air Date 05/05/02

Is there anything more fun than chemistry class? The mixing of unstable variables to create organic compounds in multiple forms. Well, I think it's cool anyway. Of course, our group has a little problem sticking to the regular class assignment and we stray a little from the righteous path. Needless to say, we blew up the lab and had to be sent back to regular school.

I thought it was great to get "back to the people." You don't know how nice it is to have conversations where we talk about girls without the pressures of multiple adjectives.

The other Krelboyne's adapted surprisingly well though. They all found a niche in their respective environments of jocks, posers, skaters, Goths, etc. A little strange, but nice to see I wasn't going to have to hold anyone's hand.

Unfortunately, things started to take a sour turn. The Krelboyne's all became ringleaders of their cliques and a powder keg was starting to build upon territorial disputes in the school courtyard. On top of that, it turns out that my new friends were total morons, and there was no way I was going to be able to hang with them anymore either.

Finally, a melee was about to ensue. I made an impassioned plea to the school about solidarity and the need to band together and hate school, not each other. But when the cliques realized that they were being guided by Krelboyne's, they turned on us, with me being accused as the ringleader of all.

Five wedgies, three swirlies, and one dumpster later, we were rescued by Herkabe and sent on our way. I guess that means the chemistry experiment with a Krelboyne variable wasn't the categorical success we had all hoped it would be. Or at least I hopedc