Chapter 311 "Lois' Makeover" Original Air Date 1/27/02

So, since I can remember, Reese, Dewey and I have been playing basketball with Dad. It's a 1-on-3 game and we've never, ever won. I think it's something like 300 straight losses. It's pretty embarrassing. After our latest defeat, we realized we needed a new strategy. It turns out that Dewey can actually shoot, so we were going to use him as our secret weapon and hope to make Dad cry before the day was out.

We played him again and totally mopped the floor with him. He didn't know what hit him. But then, he started playing totally dirty. He practically fouled us on every play and won again! We didn't want to call him a cheater, but he may as well have. We weren't going to give up though. We started practicing plays and developed a strategy that even Dad's dirty playing couldn't stop. So while we were practicing, he came out to play with us and hurt his ankle. We thought he faked it, because he was scared to lose to his sons. By they way - we were right, he did fake it.

It was time, and Dad was going to go down once and for all. The game went back and forth, we had the lead, then he did, then we did again. We got to the final play, next point wins. Dad had the ball and we had a plan to keep him from victory ever again. We decided to use his own strategy against him: that's right, we punched him in the nuts!

Game. Set. Match.